Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

How to Prevent Ankle Tendonitis

    • 1). To handle ankle tendonitis you need patience that's for sure. Just when you think you got it licked pain returns. The really crazy part is that it can start hurting from the get go then quit later after exercising. On the other hand, many times it hurts after you exercise. It can be confusing and frustrating!

      Understanding how ankle tendonitis works will help you avoid it. There must be exercise balance if you will. When you over train then you're putting yourself at high risk for tendonitis, whether it's in the ankle or elsewhere. People who are notorious for pushing beyond limitations are usually the ones who get it most.

    • 2). Be aware that when you try to do too much too soon it can cause ankle tendonitis. This means that people who are just getting back in the swing of exercising and want to get in shape are prime candidates. First of all, they don't know what they're doing and secondly they push too hard too soon.

      Know that if you don't have proper shoes for the type of exercise you do, this too, can cause ankle tendonitis. When you shop for work out shoes research online what type of shoe you should wear. It might take some time, but it's worth it to avoid months or years of tendonitis pain.

    • 3). Stretch before and after exercising. No stretches or warm up can cause tendonitis to flare up in the ankle. Preparing muscles and tendons for exercise is very important or you risk injury that has a price tag. A 10-15 stretch and warm up routine can prevent months of tendonitis pain.

      Do more strengthening exercises for your calves. The calves need to be strong and flexible to prevent ankle tendonitis. Do toe raises in all three positions toes in, toes out, toes forward. Also, do cross training exercises, which work leg muscles differently to increase intensity and strength.

    • 4). Consider a custom foot orthotic, which is a shoe insert that is medically proven to eliminate discomfort and pain. Orthotics is designed to modify and treat any imbalance in the fit of a shoe. Lastly, when running, start slow and gradually increase speed, distance and intensity.

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