- 1). Write a concise business plan. When applying for a state grant of any type, the lender always considers the intended notion, purpose and goal of the plan. Individuals need a strong plan detailing the desired course of action. Be thorough in your business description and planning, as this will determine acceptance or denial.
- 2). Prepare any necessary personal identification information. Collect pieces of information that may help verify personal identity. Social Security and driver's license information, tax forms from a previous tax season and other forms of information are often required to verify an individual's or business's genuine identity.
- 3). Choose a grant. Many websites like the Texas Department of Agriculture and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board provide up-to-date information for state grants in Texas. Texas eGrants helps individuals conduct a search when determining their eligibility for the grant that best suits their needs. Bank of America and Texas Education Agency also provide funding information for selecting a grant while giving the opportunity to apply online. Read the procedures for applying (don't forget the fine print) pertaining to the choice of lender, different categorical selections of grants and allotted time for submission.
- 4). Fill out the necessary paperwork and submit to the lender. Humanities Texas, Bank of America and other websites give applicants multiple amounts of information to help with the process while online. Double-check the information listed to make sure the required areas are completed properly. Remember to be specific. If you are not, the process could be delayed.
- 5). Wait for the answer. Approval of an application could take a few weeks to a few months. The length of the process depends upon the grant requested and the availability of funds.