Business & Finance Small Business

Structuring Work Time For the Self-Employed - Three Strategies to Get You Going

It's not too difficult to let your passion for your business gets strangled by lack of consistent, structured "work" time.
Fairly often, I hear the complaint that "working" is not working, so to speak! For self-employed entrepreneurs this "being at work" time can be tricky, especially if one works at home alone.
"Being at work" requires setting up a structure that works with your style, and a daily practice of using that structure.
If you don't get this down pat you will find that you are playing like you are in business - and your income will reflect that play-acting.
Because, guess what? There is no one who has your back, taking up the slack you've created.
Let's look at 3 dimensions of structuring your business practices.
This is the cool part - you can create structure that works for you.
And here's the tough part - you can't NOT create a structure if you want to be successful in your business.
"When I can fit it in" doesn't work.
"When I am in the mood" doesn't work.
"After everything else for home and family is completely taken care of and I have solved world peace" doesn't work.
The First Dimension.
How do you work best? Alone or with others? Mornings, afternoons, or evenings? In total quiet or with music in the background? Totally focused such that time goes away or a constant clock watcher? Grab a sheet of paper and write this down: "I do my best work when _____________________.
I get lost and off the point when ___________.
When I don't want to do the task, I typically do ___________________________ instead.
" The Second Dimension.
Develop a specific structure that supports your best work.
Here are some questions to help you set your structure.
What are my office hours each day (these can vary from day to day, but you have to set certain hours).
What will I do today? 3.
What won't I do today? 4.
When will I create and answer business e-mails? 5.
When will I make and answer business phone calls? 6.
When is my quiet thinking/creating/pondering time? 7.
Will I think/create/ponder at my desk, on a walk, on the computer screen, on paper, in my head, while exercising, or when else? 8.
What can I do today that creates energy toward my business? 9.
What one thing can I do today to make money? The Third Dimension.
Develop a strategy to help recognize and move away from inconsistent effort.
Look back at the answer to the last "write this down" question above.
Instead of losing your energy in an avoidance behavior, learn to catch yourself and gently get back to work.
Write down your answers to the question below.
"When I feel stuck, bored, resistant, helpless, or scared, what will I do to pull myself out?" This is your Plan B, your get-yourself-out-of-the-hole action.
Write one or two things down that will work for you, and set a time limit.
Go to your list and use it when you are sitting there fooling yourself that you're working.
Here are some suggestions that might work for you.
oPhysically move your body to a different space - inside, outside, to the floor.
Get up and move! oShut your eyes and breathe deeply 3 to 5 times.
Then ask yourself what you need to do to refocus, and listen for your answer.
oTake 5 minutes and write down why you are stuck.
oPretend that someone else you know in business called you with the same issue, what would you say to help? Notice anything missing? I deliberately did not add "call someone.
" The truth is, we most often have the answers within.
First look inside.
Let your issue take a clearer form and shape.
You are resilient and usually have a sense of what you need to do, you just don't want to do it right now.
Many times, calling someone is just an avoidance technique, a way to "take a break" and get away from your own inner voice.
Running to someone else for help first can water down your confidence and make you feel like someone else knows what is best for you more than you know yourself.
Before you call in the troops for help or commiseration, sit with your issue.
Walk with it, write it out.
Get clarity.
Don't fall into the trap of calling someone to avoid your own knowledge and intuition.
Call yourself first! If you do eventually call for help, you will be much clearer about what you need.
Working for yourself is the ultimate freedom.
You have the opportunity to create whatever you want, and that is a wonderful thing.
You are also ultimately responsible to work in a way that fosters your business.
There's a quote my father used, the author of which I've long forgotten - but the gist of the quote remains.
"You will rise, fall, or remain the same based on your own efforts toward your desires.
" Structure your work to support those desires, and watch - it will be amazing! © Sue Painter
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