- Have your blood sugar checked. High blood sugar over a period of time can cause damage to nerves. A deficiency in B and E vitamins can lead to damage of nerves as these supplements help to keep nerves healthy. Reduce alcohol consumption if you drink heavily as alcohol leads to vitamin deficiency. Have your leg checked for tumors as they can press on nerves causing pain.
- Take over the counter pain relievers such as Advil or Motrin to reduce pain in legs. Your doctor may prescribe medication with codeine for severe pain. Prescription pain killers are for short-term use only because of the risk for dependence. Apply a lidocaine patch to the painful area. The patch releases an anesthetic into the skin providing pain relief. A patch may be used up to four times a day and normally has no side effects. Use a TENS machine for leg pain relief. Electrodes are placed on the leg where pain is the worst. Tiny electrical pulses are sent into the leg from the machine blocking pain signals being sent to the brain. Take a portable TENS unit with you to shop, work or on vacation to provide leg pain relief. Medications such as Cymbalta may be prescribed to relieve neuropathy leg pain. Chemical processes that cause you to feel pain are interrupted by the medication. Ask your doctor about an exercise routine. Certain exercises may help reduce neuropathy leg pain. Have your leg massaged by a therapist, friend or relative. Massage promotes circulation and blood flow to damaged nerves alleviating painful symptoms. Do not sit cross legged for prolonged periods as this restricts blood flow to nerves making pain worse. Inquire about acupuncture. Small needles inserted into various trigger points in your body may reduce nerve pain. Several sessions are generally needed to notice improvement in symptoms.
Discuss with your doctor different treatment options for neuropathy leg pain relief and what treatments would be best for your needs.