Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Warning! Psychological Triggers are Everywhere

Chances are, if you have been online for any length of time, that you have read a sales letter or two. Perhaps you even have some of your own which you are using to promote your own, or someone else's product.

Of course, the purpose of a sales letter is to convince the visitor that the product will be of benefit to them and will have a value greater than the purchase price. This leaves them with the need to own the product.


It's because the product solves a problem for them.

But what if the visitor doesn't realise he has a problem? Well, I'll talk more about that in just a second.

Meanwhile, I want to mention some of the ways to get visitors to keep reading your page if you're selling a product, or if you don't have a product, why you often feel compelled to keep reading.


The first way is to issue a warning to your visitors. This is a very powerful technique used my most copywriters. Most people heed warnings and, if you compliment the warning with a suitable graphic, you can create desire, fear of loss, feelings of pride, or stir up interest in what you say next.

You could, for example, warn them that your product is only for the most serious enthusiasts since the content is so powerful. You want your reader to see themselves in the upper circle in their niche and part of an elite group that can handle your information.

The next technique is also incredibly powerful, though I must warn you that it should be used very carefully. Misuse this technique and you lose trust and can damage your reputation.


This technique is so powerful that only the next 20 people may use it.

I'm kidding of course, but scarcity can be a powerful sales tool. We must have all felt the panic set in when we think we're going to miss out on something great. We want it now. We hit the 'Buy Now' button.

Unfortunately, more and more marketers are using 'false scarcity' to sell more products. It is becoming common to see big launches of information products where the sales page claims:

"Only 200 will be sold. Then we close the doors for good!"

Later we find out that thousands were sold and are still being sold. The affiliate page lists referral prizes and minimum sales for each prize. The numbers far exceed 200.

As a marketer and customer I pass this advice to you; don't use false scarcity. It may work in the short term but I'm sure that you, like me, want to build a good reputation for integrity and honesty as a basis for long term business success.

So when can I use scarcity to good effect?

Well, I'll tell you that in just a second. Before that, a quick word about morality in your advertising.

It's very important as you study the skills of copywriting and psychological triggers that you never think of them as a way to trick anyone into buying. You WILL be found out eventually and these techniques should never be used dishonestly. Only say "200 available" if that is all you have. The value is in the scarcity. If you have to make up scarcity to create value, perhaps the product needs some more work?

Okay, lecture over. When else can we use scarcity properly?

How about scarcity of time?

A great way to attract customers these days is to give a webinar (online seminar) on your specialist subject and invite guests to attend. The webinar will be live so time is a limiting factor. If people don't register before a particular day, they will miss out (You will drop hints of course about what they will miss). Also, webinar software has a maximum attendee limit. More scarcity!

Usually the webinar will conclude with a special offer, only available to those who attend. Once the webinar ends, participants have 10 minutes to take up the offer then it ends. Provided you keep the offer to participants, this will be very powerful. People will be part of a select group and more likely to buy because of 'Herd mentality' i.e. the tendency of people to do as others are doing. This is a subject all on its own!

"I'll tell you later. But first...."

Okay, given the title of this article, you've probably noticed that I've used this twice so far. Promising a great piece of information then making readers wait can work wonders, like a good suspense novel. Not that I am comparing my quick examples to a good novel of course!

I have seen some fantastic examples of this technique and they have been used to illicit, for example, an opt in, a purchase or simply to keep me reading. I find the more unusual the teaser is, the more I want to read.

"If you want to find out how I ended up with a fish on my head, keep reading"

I have no idea where that would go, but I would keep reading! Wouldn't you?

So back to my first question; what if the visitor doesn't realise he has a problem that your product will solve?

One way is to ask 'If.. then...' questions.

E.g. " If you're struggling to write sales letters, then my new software will do the hard work for you."

Or, "If you're fed up paying for products that don't deliver, then my product is the solution"

You know your product, so just ask your visitor if he/she has any of the problems your product can fix. They often don't realise they have. You have to bring the problems to their attention.

In conclusion, there are many ethical ways to inform readers about your product's benefits. Don't be tempted to look for ways to trick people into wanting your product. If your product legitimately fills a need, use these techniques to highlight ways the need is filled and the product will sell itself.
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