Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Submit Yourself To Your Self

Natural it is to be the one that "you" already are, which is already flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through.
Harmony is a result of this naturalness of being who "you" are.
Harmony with everything as it arises, it is a harmonic convergence of all time, all space, all arising, all beyondness as it all converges with the purity and freedom of itself at the very point of its connection and flow into this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through.
There is absolutely nothing lacking in the fullness of the divine one - that is this "you" of you - as it is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you would otherwise disharmonic-ally and unnaturally mistakenly identify yourself to be.
The familiarity of your current unnatural disposition will have you believing that what you are currently up to and attempting to be is natural to you.
In fact, to consciously realign your focus of attention to this "you" of you that is flowing through your very eyes right now would seem so unnatural to you.
Such will be the case until you begin to break through your normal frequency of trying to be who you think you are with more and more moments of finding this "you" of you that is flowing through your eyes right now and stopping at and as this one that is flowing through.
Initially, it all feels so unfamiliar and unnatural to what you would otherwise get up to, naturally so.
To move from the disposition of what you have been doing for so very long now and into a completely "foreign" position - even though it is already known by you at the core of your heart and beingness - of being immediately and totally free of all of what you thought of as being you, is quite a challenge, to say the least.
It takes some getting used to, to begin with.
If you were to submit yourself to such an ordeal for a month or two within an ashram setting that was geared up for this, you would find it very difficult initially.
You would constantly be wanting to run away and get the hell out of it.
But only initially where you find yourself under an energetic barrage of beginning to see how many are the ways that you keep on attempting to be who you think you are and the force that this movement of who you think you are has on you.
Within a week or two you would begin to see an unfathomable beauty and richness creeping into your daily picture that you cannot manipulate and play with in the manner of your old accustomed movement, even though you would still try.
You would begin to see that you cannot grasp or hold onto this richness.
You would begin to recognise a causeless happiness flowering from within yourself even while you would be contending with your old patterns of who you think you are.
You would begin to see how quickly one position would change to another, and vice versa.
There would be many seeings and awakenings unfolding from within this mindbody that you keep on mistaking to be who you are.
Primarily though, there would be the rapid growing into the feeling understanding of this one that has always been true of you and yet you have known it not.
There would be such an amazing depth flowering in such a short time that has you wondering how you could not have possibly ever seen this obviousness of this "you" of you before.
You get to see just how natural "you" are.
Left to your own devices of trying to work all of this out for yourself from within your familiar and unnatural disposition of being lost to this "you" of you, this one or two months could take you twenty or thirty years, unless of course you seriously get on down with the finding and stopping of who "you" are.
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