It was in the nineteenth century that mass-market paperbacks swarmed the population, inspiring writers like H.
Wells, Jules Verne, and Buffalo Bill.
Romance novels became wildly popular and from them, eventually, came some of the greatest characters of all time: Sam Spade, Dr.
Frankenstein, Tommy and Tuppence, Miss Jane Marple and Charlie Chan.
Mystery, romance, science-fiction, horror, fantasy have all varied slightly, and although the basic plot lines are essentially the same, today's genres have become a bit more complex and thoughtful.
Spiderman always tries to save the world, Miss Marple always tries to reveal the killer, zombies still eat the living, and the weather threatens to kill.
Men and women fall in love still, and they experience heartbreak, just as they did in the nineteenth century.
It's like professionals Joyce and Jim Lavene say, "For all the changes that novels have gone through, they remain very much the same as those from 200 years ago.
" The ways novels are printed have come along way.
Technology changes and with changes comes an easier way for books to call out to readers.
The invention of eBook formats like Kindle allow anyone who has written anything to publish, for free, at the mere click of a button.
And with traditional publishing companies becoming more selective of which books should get published, non-traditional authors of eBook formats are becoming increasingly successful.
Hardcovers (or Hardbacks) is a top of the line way to print books, but is becoming more and more expensive due to the increase in demand of inexpensive eBooks.
This is usually the highest goal of traditional and self-published authors, but tends to be more expensive on the self-published authors wallets.
Companies like Amazon.
com currently do not print hardcover copies for self-published authors, while Lulu.
com has earned great reviews for their high-quality, moderately priced hardcovers, paperbacks and textbooks.
However, the prices still may be high for some (about $30.
00 USD for a 350 page novel) where as Lightning Source (and Ingram company) is striving to reach self-published authors and small publishing companies with even lower hardcover printing options.
Mass-market paperbacks are the least expensive to print and easy to carry around.
The majority of books printed are mass-market sized and are priced at approximately $7.
00 USD in bookstores.
For self-published authors going through Lightning Source or Amazon.
com, they have the advantage of printing at even a lower cost which means a higher royalty for the author and a lower price for the consumer.
But the sizes and shapes don't stop there.
There are about a hundred different options and dimensions for self-published authors to choose from, ranging from audio-books, braille, large-print, and many, many more! Regardless of how the author chooses to publish (traditionally or self-publish) the author must pay extra effort to design the cover and market the book.
People say, "don't judge a book by its cover" but that doesn't apply to professional writers.
Yes, judge sales by their cover.
A book that is poorly written with bad grammar and spelling mistakes, but an eye-catching cover will still sell more copies than an excellent book with a poorly designed cover.
When it comes to books, consumers are drawn to interesting covers.
If you are writing a book for fame, consider how many books you've read in your life.
Just a few? Hundreds? Thousands? And then consider, how many of those authors' faces do you actually know? Out of a hundred authors you've read, would you recognize any of them if they sat at the table across from you in a restaurant? 100 years ago, before television and motion pictures, a novelist would be recognized on the street-mobbed like today's celebrities.
But times have changed since then, and most people wouldn't recognize Carolyn Hart or Douglas Clegg if they were to walk down the street.
Many female writers even write under male or ambiguous pseudonyms.
And that doesn't go just for novel writers either.
Out of all the movies you may have seen, you may be able to name nearly every actor or actress, but what about the people who gave their characters words and personalities? The people responsible for making those actors and actresses successful? Could you pick out Kevin Williamson in a crowd at Comic-Con? Probably not.
You may be able to pick out Stephanie Meyer, Danielle Steele, Dean Koontz, J.
Rowling or Stephen King, but they are each one in a million writers out there.
If you're goal is fame or money, then being an author is probably not the best career for you.
Write because you love it.
Write because you need it like you need air.
The first thing a writer should be is committed.
The story must be real to the writer, visualized through physical action like a movie, rather than a bunch of thoughts on paper.
A writer must write for his or her self instead of hiring others to write for him or her.
Your story should be the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you think about when you fall asleep.
It should haunt you, and the only way to stop it is to sit yourself down and write.
Not just ideas or plot points, but the actual writing of the novel.
One of the most difficult aspects of writing is finding the time.
Time doesn't just happen, it must be made.
And if you're balancing jobs, school, a family, it can be rather frustrating.
Sitting in the chair for a few minutes or hours, several times a week, is not easy.
Not even for seasoned writers.
It means you must write, edit, and detail your book when your buddies are watching the game, or your friends are out shopping.
It means long hours instead of watching the season premiere of your favorite show or going to the movies.
If you have the time to sit and watch television after a long day at work, then you have time to write.
If you have time to go to the bar with your friends, then you have time to write.
Writing takes sacrifice, because time is made for it.
To be a professional writer, you must think of yourself as a professional writer.
You should wish you could quit your job so you could write all day, every day.
Conversely, if you are writing purely as a hobby and have no intention on being considered a professional, then there's nothing wrong with that either.
Writing out of love and passion is better than writing for money or fame.
Financially speaking, writing can be expensive.
Writing courses can cost thousands of dollars, How-To books can be expensive, and it takes many of them, not just one, to learn only the basics of creative writing.
Hiring an editor can cost several thousand dollars, and driving to writing groups cost gas, time, food and many other unforeseen expenses.
And maybe people in the writing group only know as much as you do.
But here at OasisMagazine.
Org, we understand that it's expensive, and learning to write should be free.
So, over time, we will continue to provide more in-depth guides on all aspects of writing from the generating ideas right up to publishing and marketing your books and movie scripts.
Our information is guaranteed to be current and equally as informative as a university writing course, as well as the textbooks.
All of the information provided here come from real-life experienced and working professionals in the film and writing industry.
So stay tuned for our next article: What's In A Novel By: L.
Scott - April 2, 2013 -
Wells, Jules Verne, and Buffalo Bill.
Romance novels became wildly popular and from them, eventually, came some of the greatest characters of all time: Sam Spade, Dr.
Frankenstein, Tommy and Tuppence, Miss Jane Marple and Charlie Chan.
Mystery, romance, science-fiction, horror, fantasy have all varied slightly, and although the basic plot lines are essentially the same, today's genres have become a bit more complex and thoughtful.
Spiderman always tries to save the world, Miss Marple always tries to reveal the killer, zombies still eat the living, and the weather threatens to kill.
Men and women fall in love still, and they experience heartbreak, just as they did in the nineteenth century.
It's like professionals Joyce and Jim Lavene say, "For all the changes that novels have gone through, they remain very much the same as those from 200 years ago.
" The ways novels are printed have come along way.
Technology changes and with changes comes an easier way for books to call out to readers.
The invention of eBook formats like Kindle allow anyone who has written anything to publish, for free, at the mere click of a button.
And with traditional publishing companies becoming more selective of which books should get published, non-traditional authors of eBook formats are becoming increasingly successful.
Hardcovers (or Hardbacks) is a top of the line way to print books, but is becoming more and more expensive due to the increase in demand of inexpensive eBooks.
This is usually the highest goal of traditional and self-published authors, but tends to be more expensive on the self-published authors wallets.
Companies like Amazon.
com currently do not print hardcover copies for self-published authors, while Lulu.
com has earned great reviews for their high-quality, moderately priced hardcovers, paperbacks and textbooks.
However, the prices still may be high for some (about $30.
00 USD for a 350 page novel) where as Lightning Source (and Ingram company) is striving to reach self-published authors and small publishing companies with even lower hardcover printing options.
Mass-market paperbacks are the least expensive to print and easy to carry around.
The majority of books printed are mass-market sized and are priced at approximately $7.
00 USD in bookstores.
For self-published authors going through Lightning Source or Amazon.
com, they have the advantage of printing at even a lower cost which means a higher royalty for the author and a lower price for the consumer.
But the sizes and shapes don't stop there.
There are about a hundred different options and dimensions for self-published authors to choose from, ranging from audio-books, braille, large-print, and many, many more! Regardless of how the author chooses to publish (traditionally or self-publish) the author must pay extra effort to design the cover and market the book.
People say, "don't judge a book by its cover" but that doesn't apply to professional writers.
Yes, judge sales by their cover.
A book that is poorly written with bad grammar and spelling mistakes, but an eye-catching cover will still sell more copies than an excellent book with a poorly designed cover.
When it comes to books, consumers are drawn to interesting covers.
If you are writing a book for fame, consider how many books you've read in your life.
Just a few? Hundreds? Thousands? And then consider, how many of those authors' faces do you actually know? Out of a hundred authors you've read, would you recognize any of them if they sat at the table across from you in a restaurant? 100 years ago, before television and motion pictures, a novelist would be recognized on the street-mobbed like today's celebrities.
But times have changed since then, and most people wouldn't recognize Carolyn Hart or Douglas Clegg if they were to walk down the street.
Many female writers even write under male or ambiguous pseudonyms.
And that doesn't go just for novel writers either.
Out of all the movies you may have seen, you may be able to name nearly every actor or actress, but what about the people who gave their characters words and personalities? The people responsible for making those actors and actresses successful? Could you pick out Kevin Williamson in a crowd at Comic-Con? Probably not.
You may be able to pick out Stephanie Meyer, Danielle Steele, Dean Koontz, J.
Rowling or Stephen King, but they are each one in a million writers out there.
If you're goal is fame or money, then being an author is probably not the best career for you.
Write because you love it.
Write because you need it like you need air.
The first thing a writer should be is committed.
The story must be real to the writer, visualized through physical action like a movie, rather than a bunch of thoughts on paper.
A writer must write for his or her self instead of hiring others to write for him or her.
Your story should be the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you think about when you fall asleep.
It should haunt you, and the only way to stop it is to sit yourself down and write.
Not just ideas or plot points, but the actual writing of the novel.
One of the most difficult aspects of writing is finding the time.
Time doesn't just happen, it must be made.
And if you're balancing jobs, school, a family, it can be rather frustrating.
Sitting in the chair for a few minutes or hours, several times a week, is not easy.
Not even for seasoned writers.
It means you must write, edit, and detail your book when your buddies are watching the game, or your friends are out shopping.
It means long hours instead of watching the season premiere of your favorite show or going to the movies.
If you have the time to sit and watch television after a long day at work, then you have time to write.
If you have time to go to the bar with your friends, then you have time to write.
Writing takes sacrifice, because time is made for it.
To be a professional writer, you must think of yourself as a professional writer.
You should wish you could quit your job so you could write all day, every day.
Conversely, if you are writing purely as a hobby and have no intention on being considered a professional, then there's nothing wrong with that either.
Writing out of love and passion is better than writing for money or fame.
Financially speaking, writing can be expensive.
Writing courses can cost thousands of dollars, How-To books can be expensive, and it takes many of them, not just one, to learn only the basics of creative writing.
Hiring an editor can cost several thousand dollars, and driving to writing groups cost gas, time, food and many other unforeseen expenses.
And maybe people in the writing group only know as much as you do.
But here at OasisMagazine.
Org, we understand that it's expensive, and learning to write should be free.
So, over time, we will continue to provide more in-depth guides on all aspects of writing from the generating ideas right up to publishing and marketing your books and movie scripts.
Our information is guaranteed to be current and equally as informative as a university writing course, as well as the textbooks.
All of the information provided here come from real-life experienced and working professionals in the film and writing industry.
So stay tuned for our next article: What's In A Novel By: L.
Scott - April 2, 2013 -