Men have been making their erections larger for thousands of years.
Yep, it's true.
Ancient Sudanese men did hand exercises.
They were so highly regarded that they handed down the techniques to their son's at puberty.
Sounds strange, but it's true.
So why have we never heard about hand exercises before? The penis pill industry is a multi-billion dollar animal.
Hand exercises, however, don't make money.
They're not a physical product.
Let me tell you all about these all natural techniques that have been making men bigger for centuries.
Hand exercises are giving me bigger erections right now Hand exercises are becoming wildly popular due to the many successes they have produced.
They're so simple, everyone is doing them.
Not only are they simple, but they are effective.
They work by manipulating the tissues in the penis with your own two hands.
The penis is held in several different ways while gentle pressure is directed at the tissues that determine how big you are.
This pressure causes elongation as a result of cell division.
That is, as you work the penis, you are encouraging the body to elongate the penis.
As you can see, the science behind these exercises is extremely basic, yet works all of the time.
Perhaps the best thing about these exercises is that they're completely painless, so you should never experience any pain.
So, feel free to continue with your normal sex life.
You will never experience any adverse effects as a result of doing these exercises.
And don't forget, when you decide to stop doing the exercises, you'll never lose any of your gains.
Yep, it's true.
Ancient Sudanese men did hand exercises.
They were so highly regarded that they handed down the techniques to their son's at puberty.
Sounds strange, but it's true.
So why have we never heard about hand exercises before? The penis pill industry is a multi-billion dollar animal.
Hand exercises, however, don't make money.
They're not a physical product.
Let me tell you all about these all natural techniques that have been making men bigger for centuries.
Hand exercises are giving me bigger erections right now Hand exercises are becoming wildly popular due to the many successes they have produced.
They're so simple, everyone is doing them.
Not only are they simple, but they are effective.
They work by manipulating the tissues in the penis with your own two hands.
The penis is held in several different ways while gentle pressure is directed at the tissues that determine how big you are.
This pressure causes elongation as a result of cell division.
That is, as you work the penis, you are encouraging the body to elongate the penis.
As you can see, the science behind these exercises is extremely basic, yet works all of the time.
Perhaps the best thing about these exercises is that they're completely painless, so you should never experience any pain.
So, feel free to continue with your normal sex life.
You will never experience any adverse effects as a result of doing these exercises.
And don't forget, when you decide to stop doing the exercises, you'll never lose any of your gains.