- Your Nintendo DS must be able to connect to a Wi-Fi router that reaches the Internet to get the special Pokémon. If your home Wi-Fi router uses security protocols incompatible with Nintendo DS, use a public Wi-Fi hotspot, such as in a library or a gaming store, to obtain the event Pokémon.
- Visit the Jubilife TV station in Jubilife City and talk to the couple on the third floor. When asked for an interview, select the pairs of keywords EVERYONE and HAPPY, and WI-FI and CONNECTION to turn Mystery Gift on.
- Turn on your "Pokémon Platinum" game and highlight "Mystery Gift" beneath your saved game entry. Choose the command "Get From Wireless" when you are within range of an active Wi-Fi connection during the event time frame.
- Each event lasts only a short period of time, usually a couple of weeks. After the event expires, you can no longer obtain the special Pokémon unless you hack your game or trade Pokémon with someone willing to give up the special event Pokémon.
Wi-Fi Connection
Secret Phrase
Limited Time