Health & Medical Yoga

Meditation and Stress Management - How it Works?

Meditation is a great technique to release stress, discover how it happens and why starting a meditation practice will be great for your mental health.
Many people start meditating because their life is completely overwhelmed by stress, anxiety and related problems that decrease the capacity to act effectively in daily life.
Meditation can be used as a stress management solution because it connects you in a deeper level to what is going on in your mind.
When your mind is stressed your body suffers and the opposite also happens.
When you relax your body, your mind also relax but only in a superficial level, that's why going to a spa or receiving a massage can be a good release of stress but it only works for a short time.
What meditation does is going to the core of the problem, the mind, where all your worries are collected.
The unconscious mind can't find a release from these problems so they appear on your body and show as illnesses or physical problems.
Stress is like a snowball taking everything on its path, included your life, relationships and how you deal with situations and problems, reducing your capacity to act in a productive way.
When you start meditating you start understanding why stress happens in your body and how to release it in a natural way.
Results won't come as a miracle, they will appear as part of a daily meditation practice.
Meditation gives you a way to get out of stress by giving your unconscious mind a way to deal with your collected worries, think of it as an oasis in a desert where you can drink whenever you need to cope with your problems in life.
Instead of escaping from your problems, you start dealing with them in a more balanced way, a healthy way.
When meditation becomes a part of your life, your capacity to deal with situations of all kind increases, generating less stress in the process.
If you want to start a meditation practice I highly recommend going to a meditation retreat.
There you can see the benefits of the practice by yourself and decide if it is a good thing to add to your life.
This is based on my personal experience meditating and I'm not giving any medical advice, but it is proven that meditation can reduce your levels of stress in drastically.
The meditation I practice is called Vipassana meditation and I have received great benefits included stress and anxiety relief.
You can see more information about meditation retreats available here: Vipassana meditation.
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