- 1). Make sure players are very warmed up before shooting. Start this game, for example, 20 to 30 minutes into the session.
- 2). Try playing Straight Shots at Goal for the first shooting session.
- 3). Demonstrate - or pick a player to demonstrate - a straight shot, with head down and toe pointed. Make sure the standing foot is pointed in the direction you want to hit the ball.
- 4). Ask your players questions about which part of the foot to use, and about the proper placement of the head and standing foot.
- 5). Divide the players into pairs, placed about 25 yards apart, and have them strike the ball back and forth to each other.
- 6). Practice target shooting next to gain accuracy and control while shooting. Divide the players into pairs, standing about 25 yards apart.
- 7). Put down a cone or an extra ball halfway between them as a target.
- 8). Have each player alternate trying to shoot the ball at the target.
- 9). Award a point every time a player hits the target.
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Remind players to follow through after shooting, with the toe pointed and the ankle locked. - 11
Walk around during these games. Provide plenty of praise, but also use the opportunity to help them correct any mistakes if they are having trouble.