Life can throw some major curve balls and we have no other choice but to deal with them.
We live each day without preparing for the next.
There are plenty of choices that we have to make each day including getting out of the bed in the mornings.
Every thing is a choice for us.
Sometimes we may feel as though we don't have many choices but in reality we have several.
Our choices is what makes us who we are, we are what we choose to be.
When it comes to dealing with everyday situations, sometimes we can handle it immediately and go on with our lives and then there are the situations that will stop you in your tracks and when it is over your life will never be the same again.
Losing your significant other; by death or by separation/divorce.
Suffering this kind of loss can be devastating, especially if you had no idea it was going to happen.
The facts are there for you to face and now you need to face them.
You are going to need to pull yourself together and move on.
It's not easy but over time it can be done.
You can't pick up where you left off otherwise you wouldn't be going through a loss, so you are going to need to prepare to start over..
Here are a few tips to make starting over easier for you.
1) Allow yourself time to grieve.
Everyone needs to grieve a loss in order to be able to accept a loss.
This may take a certain amount of time that no one can estimate.
Because loss is different for everyone you must deal with it individually but not alone.
2) Speak to a counselor if you need to.
Now is not a good time to let pride stand in your way.
In order for you to be able to move on sometimes you need help, and that is okay.
3) Let family and friends help you through.
I know it probably seems as though everyone is smothering you with phone calls and visits but allow them into your home and help you through this.
If you need to be alone, leave the room for awhile and everyone will understand.
You can tell everyone you want to be alone if you need them to go home for awhile.
No one should get offended during this time in your life and if they do then they can deal with it.
4) When it is time to move on, think of your self first.
You will need to ensure your own happiness or satisfaction before you can move on.
If you have children you still need to ensure your happiness before you can help them move on.
You may need to see a counselor together as a family in order to heal together.
Don't worry about your children seeing you cry and grieve this allows them to know that it is okay for them.
5) Help others.
Once you are up to it and feeling stronger, you may be able to help someone else who has just experienced a loss.
Helping others will also allow you to experience closure and allow you move on with a secure sense of strength and ability to overcome.
At first, you may feel as though you can't go on, you can't live in the same home that you shared, you can't bear to go through this.
In time it does get easier and you do move on but in your own time and not because someone told you to.
Make time for yourself and your family.
You have each other now, and that is what matters.
We live each day without preparing for the next.
There are plenty of choices that we have to make each day including getting out of the bed in the mornings.
Every thing is a choice for us.
Sometimes we may feel as though we don't have many choices but in reality we have several.
Our choices is what makes us who we are, we are what we choose to be.
When it comes to dealing with everyday situations, sometimes we can handle it immediately and go on with our lives and then there are the situations that will stop you in your tracks and when it is over your life will never be the same again.
Losing your significant other; by death or by separation/divorce.
Suffering this kind of loss can be devastating, especially if you had no idea it was going to happen.
The facts are there for you to face and now you need to face them.
You are going to need to pull yourself together and move on.
It's not easy but over time it can be done.
You can't pick up where you left off otherwise you wouldn't be going through a loss, so you are going to need to prepare to start over..
Here are a few tips to make starting over easier for you.
1) Allow yourself time to grieve.
Everyone needs to grieve a loss in order to be able to accept a loss.
This may take a certain amount of time that no one can estimate.
Because loss is different for everyone you must deal with it individually but not alone.
2) Speak to a counselor if you need to.
Now is not a good time to let pride stand in your way.
In order for you to be able to move on sometimes you need help, and that is okay.
3) Let family and friends help you through.
I know it probably seems as though everyone is smothering you with phone calls and visits but allow them into your home and help you through this.
If you need to be alone, leave the room for awhile and everyone will understand.
You can tell everyone you want to be alone if you need them to go home for awhile.
No one should get offended during this time in your life and if they do then they can deal with it.
4) When it is time to move on, think of your self first.
You will need to ensure your own happiness or satisfaction before you can move on.
If you have children you still need to ensure your happiness before you can help them move on.
You may need to see a counselor together as a family in order to heal together.
Don't worry about your children seeing you cry and grieve this allows them to know that it is okay for them.
5) Help others.
Once you are up to it and feeling stronger, you may be able to help someone else who has just experienced a loss.
Helping others will also allow you to experience closure and allow you move on with a secure sense of strength and ability to overcome.
At first, you may feel as though you can't go on, you can't live in the same home that you shared, you can't bear to go through this.
In time it does get easier and you do move on but in your own time and not because someone told you to.
Make time for yourself and your family.
You have each other now, and that is what matters.