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Buying an Ebook? 4 Things to Look For in an Ebook Author

Self-published ebooks tend to get a bad rap.
This is understandable, as there's a lot of garbage out there.
But as both a self-published eBook author and as someone who purchases self-published ebooks, I think it's one of the best ways to get information - if you know how to pre-qualify the e book author.
Following are four things I look for in a self-published author before I hit the buy now button.
Author Experience:
This is the first area I investigate when I'm thinking of buying an e book from a self-published author.
I want to know if they have experience in what they're talking about.
Many traditionally published books contain a lot of fluff, or are very traditional in their advice.
eBook publishers tend to be the opposite.
They have managed to find a success formula without going the traditional route, and they put this experience in an ebook.
And, this why I like buying ebooks from self-published authors.
It is first-hand advice from someone who took the bull by the horns, found success, and shared it in an e book.
Professional Background:
This is a close cousin to the point above.
I like to glean a little about the self-published author's background.
This gives me some insight into their depth of experience and it tells me a lot about how they approach their subject matter.
As an example, I've been a freelance writer since 1993 and have been in publishing since 1987.
So, I know about freelance writing from several different angles.
When I write, this experience comes across in the subject matter.
The reader knows that I know what I'm talking about.
I want to know that a self-published author knows what he/she's talking about before I purchase from them.
Author Website:
You can discern a lot about an e book author from his/her website/blog.
I look for specifics like do they have other in-depth information on their site, or is it filled with a lot of unrelated affiliate programs? Is the site filled with content pulled from article directories, or has the author written extensively on the subject him/herself? Is the site updated regularly, or was the last post a month ago? All of this lets me know how well the author knows his/her subject matter and how serious they are about their profession.
Google the Author:
One of the best ways to find out more about an e book author is to simply Google their name.
You'd be amazed at what a simple Google search can produce.
What I mainly look for is further professional credentials and/or involvement in the niche their eBook is about.
For example, have they written for, been mentioned on, or participated in discussions on other sites? Have they been published on blogs in their niche? Do others link to their material or consider them an authority? All of this lends credence to their legitimacy and author status.
Good eBook authors dispense first-hand information in a professional, no-nonsense manner.
It's not fluff, but experience that can be backed up with facts.
And this is why self-publishing is growing and reputable e book authors are thriving.
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