- 1). Begin your citation on the Works Cited page by writing the article's author. Next, the title of the article is listed in quotation marks. After the article title, write the newspaper's name in italics. The publication date is last, with the month abbreviated.
- 2). Cite newspapers in a similar fashion to magazines. However, be aware that the pagination differs. If the newspaper is printed in different editions for the date you chose, such as an early or late edition, identify the edition following the date. For example: 21 February 2007, early ed.
- 3). Include the city name and state in brackets after the title of the newspaper if the newspaper is not a national or well-known publication.
- 4). Follow this format and check your work against the basic periodical entry, according to the MLA style:
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical (italicized). Day Month Year: pages. Medium of publication.
Check to be sure your Works Cited entry follows this format. The in-text citation must reference the Works Cited entry. - 5). Create your in-text citation for a newspaper source by including the author's last name and the page number in parenthesis at the end of the sentence with the quotation, after the quotes but before the period. If you provide the author's name in the sentence you need only include the page number in the parenthesis after the quoted material.