Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

Sell a Car for Cash in Lubbock, Texas: How to Avoid the Wrong Junkyard

If you need to sell a car for cash in Lubbock, Texas, selling it to a junkyard is a great idea if the automobile needs to be salvaged. However, it is important to weigh your options before you move forward with the sale. Many savage lots are customer friendly businesses that strive to give people the best deal and abide by the law when purchasing junk cars. But there are also some salvage lots out there that offer poor customer service and conduct shady transactions.

Signs of a Bad Junkyard

If you plan to sell a car for cash in Lubbock, Texas, you have plenty of options when it comes to choosing a junkyard. To choose a business that offers you a good deal and conducts transactions legally, be sure to avoid salvage lots that exhibit the following characteristics.

Don't Offer Free Towing

A salvage car is typically worth a few hundred dollars, which is roughly the cost of hooking a car up to a tow truck and transporting it back to the destination of the buyer. If you liquidate your automobile to a salvage lot that charges for towing, it is essentially like giving it away for free.

Offer Misleading Price Quotes

Reputable junkyards that give you a price quote over the phone typically make a final offer that is in line with the quote. Disreputable junkyards, on the other hand, often try to lure customers in with high price quotes, then do a bait and switch, making a final offer that is significantly lower.

Don't Require Proof of Ownership

For the transaction to be legal, you must prove that you own the automobile. This can be done by providing several different documents. A salvage lot that doesn't require you to provide a document of ownership exposes you to risk: ownership of the vehicle is never transferred.

Don't Pay on the Spot

When you surrender proof of ownership to the buyer, you should be paid on the spot, not later. Reputable salvage lots always pay customers in exchange for proof of ownership, and they often pay in cash. If a junkyard says it will mail you payment, do not go forward with the sale.


Bad junkyards often have one or more of the following characteristics: no free towing, inflated price quotes, no proof of ownership required, and the promise to pay later. If you find a salvage lot that has any of these traits, sell your car for cash in Lubbock, Texas, to a different business.
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