Twitter is becoming more popular everyday.
More businesses turn to Twitter to market their products and services everyday.
Internet Marketing is no different.
If you are a marketer then you are self-employed, and that makes you a business owner.
As a business owner you need to find different ways to market your business too.
What is Twitter? Twitter is a social networking website, or microblog, that allows you to update your friends to what you are doing at that moment.
These update posts are called microposts, and using Twitter to update is called microblogging.
There are other sites that use microblogging such as Facebook's "Status Updates.
" What to Do Setup your profile - You should setup your profile quickly when you sign up to Twitter.
People do not want to follow a plain or boring site.
They want to follow someone who they can relate to and trust.
They want to see a site that is fun and easy to look at, and they want to know a little about that person they are following.
They also want to see who they are following.
You can overcome these obstacles by setting a good background image for your site, using a good Bio Line that explains who you are, and uploading a photo of yourself.
Your background should be something related to your niche.
You can create an image yourself with a program like Photoshop or Corel Draw, or you can pay someone to create it for you professionally.
Your Bio Line should explain to other Twitters who you are and why they should follow you.
You have a limited amount of space to accomplish this task, so be very selective in the words you use.
Your photo should be a portrait or a photo in which you can be easily identified.
People relate to people more than company logos.
It is easier to trust a person than a logo even if the logo is great.
There are exceptions to this, like when you have a national or international logo that is already established.
Get followers - You should get followers as soon as possible.
The more followers you have, the more impact your advertising will have.
You can get immediate followers by taking these steps:
You should keep in mind if your followers will benefit from the tweets that come from the person you are following.
You can re-tweet tweets made by those experts, but make sure you give the original tweeter their due credit.
What Not to Do Most of the errors made by individuals that want to use Twitter to market their business can be easily avoided.
You should take a moment to see if you fall into any of these traps:
Your next step is to sign up and get used to the application.
You should spend some time studying other tweeters, finding out what and who tweeters follow, and you should spend some time figuring out your plan for advertising your products and services.
Your advertising plan should be laid out in two to four weeks in advance.
More importantly is to commit to that plan, and try to make tweeting fun and enjoyable.
More businesses turn to Twitter to market their products and services everyday.
Internet Marketing is no different.
If you are a marketer then you are self-employed, and that makes you a business owner.
As a business owner you need to find different ways to market your business too.
What is Twitter? Twitter is a social networking website, or microblog, that allows you to update your friends to what you are doing at that moment.
These update posts are called microposts, and using Twitter to update is called microblogging.
There are other sites that use microblogging such as Facebook's "Status Updates.
" What to Do Setup your profile - You should setup your profile quickly when you sign up to Twitter.
People do not want to follow a plain or boring site.
They want to follow someone who they can relate to and trust.
They want to see a site that is fun and easy to look at, and they want to know a little about that person they are following.
They also want to see who they are following.
You can overcome these obstacles by setting a good background image for your site, using a good Bio Line that explains who you are, and uploading a photo of yourself.
Your background should be something related to your niche.
You can create an image yourself with a program like Photoshop or Corel Draw, or you can pay someone to create it for you professionally.
Your Bio Line should explain to other Twitters who you are and why they should follow you.
You have a limited amount of space to accomplish this task, so be very selective in the words you use.
Your photo should be a portrait or a photo in which you can be easily identified.
People relate to people more than company logos.
It is easier to trust a person than a logo even if the logo is great.
There are exceptions to this, like when you have a national or international logo that is already established.
Get followers - You should get followers as soon as possible.
The more followers you have, the more impact your advertising will have.
You can get immediate followers by taking these steps:
- Invite all your friends, family, and business contacts to follow you on Twitter.
It is always a good idea to use you previously built contact list to promote your business. - Put your Twitter URL on everything you post and email.
Putting your Twitter URL on everything you post is a good way to get followers that would normally just read your post or email and pass on. - Tell everyone you meet about your Twitter page.
Let as many people know, you are on Twitter, as you can.
This will increase your exposure dramatically. - You can post your Twitter URL and a brief description of what you will tweet about in classifieds.
You can use free classifieds to advertise a lot of your business.
You should keep in mind if your followers will benefit from the tweets that come from the person you are following.
You can re-tweet tweets made by those experts, but make sure you give the original tweeter their due credit.
What Not to Do Most of the errors made by individuals that want to use Twitter to market their business can be easily avoided.
You should take a moment to see if you fall into any of these traps:
- When you try to build a significant amount of followers before you tweet.
You should get a feel for tweeting first.
Start tweeting things about your niche right away.
Tweet little tidbits of useful information.
It is easier for people to follow you if you have some tweets under your belt. - When you don't personalize your profile.
You should use a photo to personalize your profile.
You should not be afraid to brand yourself with your business.
You should let everyone know who is behind your company and remove all veils of concealment. - When you tweet too many promotions.
You should limit the numbers of tweets containing promotional material.
People will get tired of receiving promotions.
They will stop following you if you don't provide a lot of useful information.
Your next step is to sign up and get used to the application.
You should spend some time studying other tweeters, finding out what and who tweeters follow, and you should spend some time figuring out your plan for advertising your products and services.
Your advertising plan should be laid out in two to four weeks in advance.
More importantly is to commit to that plan, and try to make tweeting fun and enjoyable.