Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

List of Things to Grow Hydroponically


    • Most vegetables can be grown hydroponically.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

      Most vegetables can be grown hydroponically. The exception to this is root vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, rhubarb and onions, because they need more of a soil medium to keep the fruit of the plant from rotting.Root vegetables can grow in a hydroponics system, but they will not produce as well. The more popular vegetables to grow hydroponically are: tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, lettuces, artichokes, beans, cabbage, corn, eggplant and endive, just to name a few. Leafy vegetable plants grow best, but tomatoes and cucumbers are the more popular to grow. Hydroponic vegetable growing is becoming more popular, because the plants produce for a longer period, in some cases tomatoes can produce for up to a year.



    • Orchids are one of the most popular flower to grow in a hydroponics system.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

      The list of flowers that can grow in a hydroponics system is almost endless. Growing hydroponic flowers, like any other plant, will depend on your space. Larger or taller flowers like rose bushes, or gladiolus will require more space to prevent over crowding. A few flowers that thrive in a hydroponics system are: amaryllis, dahlias, chrysanthemums, iris, freesia, lily, gerbera and orchids to name only a few. Orchids are one of the most popular flower to grow in this system, because it keeps the constant moisture levels of the plants at an optimum level, and gives the flower the humidity needed to thrive.



    • African violets are one of numerous houseplants that can be grown hydroponically.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

      When you take a cutting from a houseplant, place it in water to root, basically you are growing that plant in a hydroponics system. A true hydroponics system requires a bit more in equipment, but the idea is the same. Most houseplants can be grown hydroponically, such as philodendron, ficus, dracaena, mother-in-law tongue or snake plant, lily, and a host of other indoor plants and flowers can be grown this way. Even African violets and palm trees can be grown hydroponically.

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