This article will answer the big question that is on the mind of every man who wants to increase the size of their penis.
Some men would love nothing more then to add 3 inches to their penis because they know it will bring sex, love and confidence.
These techniques that I will talk about are proven to work because they have been tested on men all over the world and they have all seen huge gains.
So if you are tired of being the guy with the small penis who cannot satisfy his woman, read on.
One of the best ways of increasing your penis length is to exercise the suspensory ligament.
The fibers inside of it is very soft and this is what causes your penis to get bigger when you have an erection.
When you exercise this part of the body you will see huge gains.
The inside of the ligament reacts to being stretched making your penis bigger over time.
The key to stretching this part of the body is to work on it regularly.
If you do not do the stretches on a regularly basis you could see a lot of problems.
Increasing the thickness of the penis is another thing that is important in penis enlargement.
To thicken the penis you must manipulate the penis chamber by getting through the cell walls and then let it rest.
When you let it rest for a little you go back to breaking the cell walls and repeat the process.
A lot of men go wrong by not allowing any type of rest period and this completely messes up the process.
Other men go wrong by resting a bit too long and this also messes up the routine.
The rest period and actual work period need to be planned out perfectly.
Penis pills are excellent for men who want to increase penis length, increase stamina, stop erectile dysfunction and get rid of premature ejaculation.
The natural ingredients in these pills respond very well with your body by letting more blood flow.
The more blood what flows in your penis, the harder and longer your erections will be.
Not only will your sex skills be increased but due to the blood flow you are receiving your orgasms will be 2x powerful.
For men who are just starting penis enlargement, pills are an excellent way in which you can begin to experiment.
Surgery is really a dice game.
Some are excellent and others are really bad.
The good ones can actually add a lot of length and thickness to your penis.
These work by adding silicone to your penis which will support you when you have sex.
On the other hand bad surgery can be horrible.
Some men have reported to having horrible scars, agonizing pain and worst of all a penis what does not work at all.
So before you decide for surgery make sure you check the surgeons history to be more safe.
When you think you have found the right surgeon go for it.
Penis enlargement exercises are probably the most popular way you can increase the length of your penis.
These exercises offer permanent enlargement, more sexual stamina, harder and longer penis.
The most common type of exercises that you will be doing is called the jelq.
Jelqing is an ancient technique that men have been using for a very long time.
These exercises are to be done for 8 minutes and 8 minutes only.
If you over do these exercises it will only cause a lot of pain and soreness.
If you want something that's quick and easy then penis enlargement exercises are your best bet.
Some men would love nothing more then to add 3 inches to their penis because they know it will bring sex, love and confidence.
These techniques that I will talk about are proven to work because they have been tested on men all over the world and they have all seen huge gains.
So if you are tired of being the guy with the small penis who cannot satisfy his woman, read on.
One of the best ways of increasing your penis length is to exercise the suspensory ligament.
The fibers inside of it is very soft and this is what causes your penis to get bigger when you have an erection.
When you exercise this part of the body you will see huge gains.
The inside of the ligament reacts to being stretched making your penis bigger over time.
The key to stretching this part of the body is to work on it regularly.
If you do not do the stretches on a regularly basis you could see a lot of problems.
Increasing the thickness of the penis is another thing that is important in penis enlargement.
To thicken the penis you must manipulate the penis chamber by getting through the cell walls and then let it rest.
When you let it rest for a little you go back to breaking the cell walls and repeat the process.
A lot of men go wrong by not allowing any type of rest period and this completely messes up the process.
Other men go wrong by resting a bit too long and this also messes up the routine.
The rest period and actual work period need to be planned out perfectly.
Penis pills are excellent for men who want to increase penis length, increase stamina, stop erectile dysfunction and get rid of premature ejaculation.
The natural ingredients in these pills respond very well with your body by letting more blood flow.
The more blood what flows in your penis, the harder and longer your erections will be.
Not only will your sex skills be increased but due to the blood flow you are receiving your orgasms will be 2x powerful.
For men who are just starting penis enlargement, pills are an excellent way in which you can begin to experiment.
Surgery is really a dice game.
Some are excellent and others are really bad.
The good ones can actually add a lot of length and thickness to your penis.
These work by adding silicone to your penis which will support you when you have sex.
On the other hand bad surgery can be horrible.
Some men have reported to having horrible scars, agonizing pain and worst of all a penis what does not work at all.
So before you decide for surgery make sure you check the surgeons history to be more safe.
When you think you have found the right surgeon go for it.
Penis enlargement exercises are probably the most popular way you can increase the length of your penis.
These exercises offer permanent enlargement, more sexual stamina, harder and longer penis.
The most common type of exercises that you will be doing is called the jelq.
Jelqing is an ancient technique that men have been using for a very long time.
These exercises are to be done for 8 minutes and 8 minutes only.
If you over do these exercises it will only cause a lot of pain and soreness.
If you want something that's quick and easy then penis enlargement exercises are your best bet.