Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Kill Ants With Household Remedies

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      Fill an empty plastic spray bottle with warm water and add a healthy squirt of Dawn dish soap to it. Then shake it to mix it well. This is a guaranteed quick kill for ants that works upon contact with the insects. Any time you see ants, spray and kill them with this solution, which will keep indefinitely.

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      Use a screwdriver to remove one switch plate from each wall in every room of the house. In rooms where you've noticed a high level of ant activity, or where you've seen ant trails, remove all the plates.

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      Use a plastic spoon to scoop up about 1/2 tsp. of Borax or boric acid, and deposit the powder inside the metal casing that houses the switch or plug unit. Ants will often travel through the electrical outlets, and most insects will use them to access the rest of the house if they have built nests within your walls. They will scurry through the powdered Borax on their trips to and from the nest multiple times daily, feeding it to their cohorts. Plan to repeat this step once every 3 to 6 months to determine if the Borax needs to be replenished.

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      Make bait traps and disguise them as feeding stations by filling some plastic bottle caps about halfway with Borax. Place them anywhere you've noticed any ant activity whatsoever. Behind and under appliances, under all sinks, near vents leading outdoors, inside cabinets containing sweets or greases, near kitchen garbage cans, and near doorways leading outside are all excellent locations for these little bait traps. Place some anywhere in the home where moisture is present, because the ants will tend to frequent these areas. Concentrate on the kitchen, bathroom(s) and laundry room.

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      If you've seen any active mounds, make your own environmentally friendly ant killer for outside the home. Combine about 1/4 cup of sugar with an equal amount of honey in a mason jar. Heat the mixture in the microwave or in a pan of water on the stove just long enough to melt the sugar, then stir to mix thoroughly. Gradually sprinkle in 1/4 cup of Borax by the spoonful, blending very well after each addition.

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      Drizzle 1 tbsp. or so of the honey mixture onto active ant mounds. The sweet bait will quickly attract the ants, and the mound's queen and colony will soon all be killed by the Borax. Cover the jar of bait tightly and store it for up to 2 weeks at room temperature in anywhere that's convenient for you.

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