- 1). Pick and buy a domain name. You can choose a domain name that coincides with the name of the event or the name of your organization. You may want to choose a couple of backup options in case your first choice is already in use. You can buy domain names from hosts such as Go Daddy, Register or Yahoo!
- 2). Set up a web host account. You can buy your domain name from the same site where you choose to host your website account or with a different host. Establish your hosting account and preview the template layouts the host offers for you for designing your event website.
- 3). Choose a template for the website layout. You may find options that relate to the type of event you are hosting. For example, a wedding event may have a theme with a wedding veil and bouquet, while a guitar and sound stage design might be be good for a benefit concert.
- 4). Create a page outline of the website. Use a pen and piece of paper to plan the structure of the website, including the name of each page and the information you want to include on it. For example, the home page should feature an overview of the purpose of the event, date, time and location. You may also want to include an about page, RSVP page and payment page. A wedding event website may even include a gift registry page detailing where the bride and groom are registered.
- 5). Add pictures or graphics to the site. You can personalize the event website with pictures of you as a couple or the organization hosting the event.
- 6). Write the copy for the site. Using your outline as a guide, write the text that needs to go on each page of the site. Add the copy to the layout of the website.
- 7). Test the site. Once the site is up and running, test it yourself to make sure all of the links and pictures are functioning properly. You may also want to have one or two other people test the site and provide you with feedback.
- 8). Finalize and launch the site. After making any revisions or final edits, launch the website so a live version is available to anyone who types in the domain name into a web browser.
- 9). Promote the event website. If it is a personal event, you can send an email to your friends and family that includes the website link for them to visit. If it is for another type of event, you can promote the event website in marketing brochures, business cards, flyers, postcards, e-newsletters, print ads and more.