Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Fat Burning Exercise Tips For a Flat Tummy

There is some debate among weight loss pros about the best way to burn body fat and get a flat tummy.
Some say just do cardio.
Get on the treadmill and do 45 minutes to an hour of running or the Stairmaster and you will get a flat stomach in no time.
Some hardcore experts argue that the best way to lose the belly fat is to get into an intense weight-training program.
They will go "Diet is the key.
Just pump the iron and get on a strict diet!" Well, I think that this debate is still going on in some of the forums.
I am not surprised because people want a quick and specific solution to their problem.
A lot of people are fed up about their tummy and flabby arms that they want to lose weight now! Not only that, a lot of us do not have time.
In many cases, when we step into a gym, we are faced with 2 options, cardio or weight training.
Let me solve this dilemma for you.
I have preached this over and over again in my Fast Fat Loss E-Mag, that in order to lose stubborn fat effectively, you need to do both.
You have no choice.
You will not enjoy optimal weight loss and maintain muscle mass if you do cardio alone.
In fact, you will lose muscle mass, your metabolism get crashed down and you will hit a weight loss plateau.
Weight loss plateau is what all of us dread of.
And because you are only doing cardio, you avoid training your postural muscles and this will lead to very bad posture and then injuries.
Now, lets discuss if you do only weight training.
Yes, weight training burns calories and yes weight training increases your metabolism.
Unfortunately, the calories you want to burn are the fat that are stored in the fat cells.
You need cardio training at the right intensity levels to get that fat in the fat cells being used as energy.
Here is what I suggest.
In order to get optimum results, you need train 3 to 5 times a week.
If you can train 5 times a week, then do intense weight training on 2 days and the remaining, do 30 to 45 minutes of intense cardio.
On the weight training days, try to do 20 minutes of cardio after the weight training session.
If you can manage only 3 days of exercise, I suggest you hit the weights hard for 45 minutes and then do cardio afterwards for 30 minutes on each session.
Try this method.
It has brought fantastic results for my clients especially the first method.
To get more detail of this plan, download my free Tony Leong Weight Loss System.
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