Ever notice how happy your dog gets when you drive into the dog park? You can almost feel his excitement just knowing he will not only spend time with you but he gets to play with other dogs.
After all, you're his best friend and you only want the best for him, right? But sometimes things can get a little out of hand.
You not only have to watch your dog, but you must play a little defense sometimes to protect your dog as well as you.
Let's look at some tips on how to keep you and your dog safe.
Have all your dog's vaccinations up-to-date at all times.
Make sure to leash your dog immediately if he starts to get aggressive.
Dog parks are not for digging.
This could lead to hazards like trips and falls for another pooch or their owner.
If you see him digging a hole, make sure to fill it immediately.
If your female is in heat, please do not bring her to the park.
If you walk dogs for others, please don't bring more to the park than you can handle.
Many things could get out of hand for you.
If you do not see a sign that says, "Off-Leash" area, you must be sure to keep the leash ON.
Make sure your canine friend has some training and will come to you when he is called.
This is for his safety as well as others.
Some dogs just naturally play a little rough while others (including their owners) get very intimidated by this.
Keep a good eye on your pet so he doesn't harass other pets or their owners.
Even if you have Fido in an "Off-Leash" area, keep his leash handy.
You never know whether or not you will need it.
Your dog should always be where you can see him and close enough to be within voice range.
Never expect someone else to keep an eye on your pet.
Please respect all the rules in the park.
ALWAYS clean up after your dog...
NO EXCEPTIONS! Remember, good dog park etiquette is always the best way to go.
We all want to keep these parks running and if everyone pitches in to help, we will have them for a long time.
After all, you're his best friend and you only want the best for him, right? But sometimes things can get a little out of hand.
You not only have to watch your dog, but you must play a little defense sometimes to protect your dog as well as you.
Let's look at some tips on how to keep you and your dog safe.
Have all your dog's vaccinations up-to-date at all times.
Make sure to leash your dog immediately if he starts to get aggressive.
Dog parks are not for digging.
This could lead to hazards like trips and falls for another pooch or their owner.
If you see him digging a hole, make sure to fill it immediately.
If your female is in heat, please do not bring her to the park.
If you walk dogs for others, please don't bring more to the park than you can handle.
Many things could get out of hand for you.
If you do not see a sign that says, "Off-Leash" area, you must be sure to keep the leash ON.
Make sure your canine friend has some training and will come to you when he is called.
This is for his safety as well as others.
Some dogs just naturally play a little rough while others (including their owners) get very intimidated by this.
Keep a good eye on your pet so he doesn't harass other pets or their owners.
Even if you have Fido in an "Off-Leash" area, keep his leash handy.
You never know whether or not you will need it.
Your dog should always be where you can see him and close enough to be within voice range.
Never expect someone else to keep an eye on your pet.
Please respect all the rules in the park.
ALWAYS clean up after your dog...
NO EXCEPTIONS! Remember, good dog park etiquette is always the best way to go.
We all want to keep these parks running and if everyone pitches in to help, we will have them for a long time.