Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Yes, You Can Manifest Whatever You Want in Any Economy

This has been the craziest week.
Everywhere I go I keep hearing people talking about gossip.
Now we all know it isn't proper for us to gossip or listen to gossip.
So, there is always some kind of disclaimer when someone begins to gossip.
Like this man I overheard talking to his friend, he said, " I can't tell you any more, I've already told you MORE than I've heard.
" Then I heard a woman say, "I hate to spread gossip, but I don't know what else to do with it.
" OK, you know by now that I am making a point, but just one more, I really like this one.
"I hate gossip, so I am going to say this just once.
" Well I have heard gossip everywhere I turn this week.
On the radio, in the newspaper, and in people's conversations.
There is a rumor going around in the rumor mill that we are in a recession!! And it's going to get worse! You may be saying, Dr.
Judy that's not gossip, that's the truth!! But that depends on whom you are talking to.
It's going to get worse for "who?" THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO AREN'T PARTICIPATING! You see, you can choose how you view the times we are living in.
You can see them as an opportunity for growth, ...
or see them as times for decrease, decline, and cut backs.
It all depends on your perception.
Your mindset.
Down through history, change has been inevitable.
There are cycles of growth and expansion, "and retraction.
" The two most important aspects of YOUR perception are what you think and what you believe.
You need a positive mindset that believes ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE You may ask the question, isn't thinking and believing the same? No way.
You can think you have a positive mindset, yet in the subconscious mind you are filled with old beliefs that sabotage your current thinking.
In my center we dig down and find the saboteurs to success and prosperity manifestation.
You have to prepare yourself to have a solution mindset and expect opportunities for making more money when economic challenges come.
You can't be passive, you need to take action.
Shut off the news for a few weeks.
Turn off CNN (constantly negative news.
) I would suggest you turn off all negative talk shows.
Only the malcontents find pleasure in listening to someone else complain.
It is important during tough times to surround your self with right voices! Where you get advice from is very important.
Read positive books and listen to motivational CD's and DVD's that encourage you to reach for your highest good.
Take inventory of the 5 people you hang out with the most.
You become like the 5 people that you spend the most time with.
Think about each one and ask yourself if they inspire you or drain you.
If they drain you they are energy vampires.
Run from them.
Then be aware of the dream stealers.
If you have a dream be cautious with whom you share it with.
Many people don't want you to succeed because they aren't successful.
Speak positive words.
Speak only WORDS that construct the kind of future you want to build.
Words are the brick and mortar of the dreams you want to realize.
Behind each word flows energy.
Keep the faith.
Believe that you can have what you want, if, as Winston Churchill once said, you "never, never, never give up.
" Yes you can manifest whatever you want in any economy.
If you can think it, and believe it, you can have it! You can have what you want.
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