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The Bold and the Beautiful Recap, the week of August 18-22, 2014

 MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014

Deacon tells Quinn that he doesn't want her near his daughter. Quinn says that his daughter is married to her son. Besides, Wyatt just gave her a big diamond. Deacon says a diamond that you killed for. Quinn tells Deacon to trust her. He says it is hard to do when she is holding a gun on him. Quinn tells Deacon they are a lot alike. He says he never killed anyone. She tries to convince him she didn't either.

She says she was in treatment, trying to get back to Wyatt and make amends. Quinn asks, "What if I could get Brooke for you?" She attempts to get him to agree to join forces with her to achieve a similar goal. Quinn still wants Bill. She tells Deacon, with Bill I can have hate and lust. Not to mention, if Deacon and Brooke got back together, Hope would have her family an if Quinn and Bill were together, Wyatt would have his parents intact. Quinn tries to convince Deacon that if they can light the match that is Bill's temper, Brooke won't re-think marrying him. Quinn tries to convince Deacon to delete the video he edited of Ricardo saying she killed him. Hope and Wyatt enjoy their time on the yacht. Still reeling from her whirlwind trip to Paris and Monte Carlo, Hope reflects upon the recent events which led up to her current situation. Bill has a heart-to-heart talk with Liam about life, love and family. Bill says he is happy for Wyatt, but he feels for Liam. Bill tells Liam he is too cautious.

If you hang back, you lose. Liam says, "Lesson learned." Bill tells Liam that Brooke wants Hope to be happy. You would have made her happy if things had gone differently. But,there are no do-overs in this situation. Bill says they are going to have a party for Wyatt and Hope and he expects Liam to be there. Liam protests. Bill makes Liam promise not to tell Hope about what happened in Paris with Ivy. As Hope remembers Paris, Liam begins cleaning his house and computer of mementos of her. 


Still having a difficult time dealing with the fact that the fall from the helicopter has left him unable to design, Ridge doesn't feel ready to share that knowledge with Brooke when she calls to check on him. Quinn tries to bully Deacon into agreeing to work with her by saying he isn't the man she thought he was. Quinn explains that he won't have to do any heavy lifting. Ridge will be the man who comes between Brooke and Bill. Quinn goes to see Ridge and put her plan in motion. She lies and tells Ridge that her doctors want her to make real-world amends with the people she's hurt. And no one fits that bill more than Ridge. She tells him she is sorry for what she did. Ridge says you don't want to apologize, you just want to get in my head. He tells her he is not going to help her get Bill Spencer back in her bed. He tells Charlie to escort her out and leaves to see Katie. When no one is looking, Quinn steals the wadded up papers that are Ridge's attempts at designs. Quinn realizes that Ridge can't design any more. Deacon stops by to see Brooke. She tells him that Bill is throwing a wedding party for Hope and Wyatt. He can come to the party if he is respectful. Deacon internally fights with his desire to lead a more virtuous life, especially when Quinn paints such an appealing picture for him of what his life could be if he abides by her plan. Pam tells Oliver, Aly and Charlie that Ridge hasn't been himself since he got back from Abu Dhabi. Ridge meets Katie at the restaurant. He tells her that Quinn came by. He explains that he thinks Quinn wants him to muscle Bill out of Brooke's life. Katie said she can't predict what Brooke will do. 


Quinn and Deacon compare notes about their respective assignments and Quinn realizes that Ridge can no longer design. She realizes this is a big secret and wants to find out more about it -- so she can use it to break up Bill and Brooke. Quinn decides that she and Deacon should go to lunch so they can spy on Ridge and Katie. With his heart in his hand, Bill implores Brooke to forgive him. He says he wasn't completely to blame. Ridge broke up their wedding and sucker punched him in the face. He knows he went to far, but can they focus on their future together. Bill promises to never do anything to hurt anyone Brooke loves ever again -- including Ridge.Bill describes this ideal life they are going to have with everyone getting along. Brooke says she is still concerned about Quinn. Hope has a Black Widow for a mother-in-law. Bill brushes aside her concerns and proposes yet again. This time Brooke says yes.Bill makes plans with the captain of the yacht for him and Brooke to get married. Aly and Ivy try to convince Liam to tell Hope he was in Paris. He tells them it is too late. He was late enough that Hope went off and married Wyatt. Liam says he is to blame. He shouldn't have trusted Wyatt. The girls decide that the fact that Ivy got pushed into the Seine is weird. Ivy says she will tell Hope what happened. Liam needs to do whatever he can to get her back. Liam says his father told him to leave it alone, and maybe that is what he should do. Ridge voices his regrets to Katie about getting involved with Brooke’s personal life because of the consequences that he is suffering. Ridge says that every day he can't do his job, he is reminded of Bill. He is not happy that Hope is married to a Spencer. Katie sticks up for Wyatt, saying he is not a bad guy. Ridge says he doesn't understand why Brooke can't break ties with Bill. As Quinn listens, Bill agrees to go to the party but he needs to stay away from Bill. He can't forget that Bill took his ability to design away from him. Katie says he should tell Brooke. She needs to know what it has cost him. Ridge makes Katie promise she won't say anything.


Brooke greets Hope and Wyatt on their return and tells Wyatt to call her mom. Brooke tells them about the party and who is coming. Wyatt breaks the news that Quinn is out of the hospital. Brooke tells them that Liam will be at the party. Bill gives Liam strict instructions about any further interaction between him and Wyatt. He tells Liam he has to improve his mood and attend the party. Bill says that Liam is going to have to learn to deal, so why not start today? Liam says he will go if they want them. Bill calls Wyatt who doesn't want Liam there, but Bill tells Liam that Wyatt wants him to.  Armed with the information that Ridge can no longer design, Quinn and Deacon plot the next step in their scheme to keep Bill and Brooke apart. Quinn fantasizes about Bill and getting back together. Quinn tells Deacon that he is going to be the one to reveal Ridge's secret to Brooke. Ridge agrees to attend the party with Katie as long as he is able to keep his secret between the two of them. Katie still wants Ridge to tell Brooke. She wants Bill to pay. Ridge says until his talent comes back, it is their secret. Aly and Ivy talk about how hard it is going to be to go the party. They hope that Liam will tell Hope the truth. Quinn startles Brooke in the kitchen. She tells Brooke that everything works out the way it should. Brooke tells Quinn she is trying to put Abu Dhabi behind her. Brooke introduces Quinn to Ivy and Deacon, who pretends not to know her. Quinn insults Ivy by asking her where she might have seen her work. Carter answers the door when Maya arrives and says, "The Forrester wannabe." Clearly, they have not made up. Liam and Bill arrive and exchange hostile words with Quinn. Hope and Wyatt come downstairs and Bill toasts them. Hope is surprised to see Liam. She thought he didn't show up in Paris because he wanted a clean break. Bill asks Liam if he isn't going to congratulate Hope.


Despite the celebratory theme of the occasion, not everyone is having a good time at Brooke’s party, especially Liam. Wyatt says that he is glad Liam came. Bill says that's the way to do it -- quick and easy. Rick chimes in that the Paris trip was quite the success. Quinn asks Hope where the HFTF diamond is. Hope explains that she accepted the diamond for the line, not for her personally, so it is in Paris at the boutique before it will make the rounds. Quinn says she hopes it brings as much success to her line as it did to her personal relationship. Brooke welcomes Liam to the family, as do Katie and Donna. Deacon tells Hope and Wyatt that he can't believe that she is all grown up and married. Hope says she will always need her dad. Quinn promises to be a great mother-in-law. Bill interrupts, saying Brooke wants to make a toast. Bill tells Quinn he is only tolerating her for their son. Ivy applies pressure on Liam to tell Hope the truth about what happened between them in Paris.  Rick insists that Maya stop her attempt to pursue him because he is in a happy and committed marriage with Caroline.  Wyatt tells Liam he is glad Liam came. Wyatt says it is a relief in a way. The decision has been made. He hopes some day Liam can support them. Wyatt says he appreciates everyone putting aside their differences for them. Hope says that being surrounded by friends and family is exactly how she pictured starting her marriage. Deacon tells Brooke that Bill is still hurting people that she loves. Ridge can no longer sketch. Bill took it from him. Brooke asks Ridge if he is okay. He says yes. She presses the matter and asks him if he can draw. She can tell from his expression that it is true. That Bill took that ability away from him. Ivy and Aly keep Wyatt busy so Liam can talk to Hope. He follows her to her bedroom. She says he shouldn't be there; he says she shouldn't be married. She says he has no right to tell her that after he humiliated her. Liam tells her was there to make her his wife. Quinn tells Bill there isn't anything she wouldn't do for him. Bill say Brooke is the only woman for him. Accept it.
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