Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

10 Reasons to Use a Modern Thatch Tiling System

One of the most recent developments in the thatching industry is the manufacturing and supply of prefabricated thatch tiling for the building industry.
These thatch tiles allow for the building of large scale that projects in a very cost effective manor by a roofer that is not a qualified Thatcher.
In fact, the thatch tiling systems are perfect for use not only in the building industry, but also the DIY market for people who want to build their own lapas, thatch umbrellas and outdoor barbeque areas.
Below is a list of the top 10 reasons why modern thatch systems are now becoming more popular than the traditional thatching process.
These advantages are: 1.
Each individual thatch tile is coated on the surface to ensure that the tile is weather resistant and UV-resistant.
This enhances the lifespan of each tile and allows for very little colour change over a period of up to 20 years.
Thanks to the raw thatching materials used to manufacture the tiles they have an excellent resistance to both acidic and alkaline environments.
This further increases their lifespan and durability.
Each thatch tile offers good product adhesion, an extremely high toughness level, amazing anti-impact performance and thanks to the manufacturing process is easy to clean and resistant to mold, pollution and general product deterioration.
The color variation in a modern thatch tiling system allows for an attractive roofing option thanks to its bright colours.
In fact the decoration effect offered by tiling ensures that it is often the product of choice for interior decorators looking for a more rustic theme in a room.
Modern tiles offer builders and do it yourselfers a light weight thatching alternative with good flexibility, a high strength threshold at a cheap price.
Tiles also adhere to some of the most stringent building regulations and are thoroughly tested to provide the ultimate that roofing performance.
High performance tiling can be manufactured to various complicated shapes and can be used to build complicated shapes that are just not possible with more traditional thatch processes.
Prefabricated tiling is extremely fire-resistant and also offers excellent anti-corrosion performance in harsh environments such as the African sun.
The construction and installation of tiles does not need any form of formal training.
This helps to further keep the cost of the product down.
Thatch tiling is easy to clean and care for.
This alone makes it a popular product in high traffic areas such as hotels and restaurants.
All modern tiles are recyclable, which is beneficial to the environmental and extremely eco friendly.
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