- 1). Fill a planting pot with equal parts of compost and coarse sand, moistened.
- 2). Lay the crape myrtle seeds on the surface of the planting medium and cover with a 1/4-inch layer of peat moss.
- 3). Moisten the moss with water from a misting bottle. Cover the pot with plastic wrap or place it in a plastic bag and seal it.
- 4). Leave the pot in an area that receives bright but indirect sunlight and the room temperature remains between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The crape myrtle seeds will germinate within three weeks. When they do, remove the plastic wrap but allow the pot to remain in the same area. Spritz the soil with water to keep it moist.
- 5). Transplant the crape myrtle seedlings into individual pots when they have three sets of leaves. Use the same combination of compost and coarse sand and keep it moist while the seedlings grow.
- 6). Move the pots into a shady spot in the garden when they are 5 inches tall. When they reach 1 foot in height, transplant them into their permanent location.