No matter how hard he tries, Jason can't dissuade Elizabeth from her desire to re-enter into a relationship with him. He is concerned that he'll let her down when he can't make an assignation; she says she knows it won't be perfect. Jason is afraid someone may use her as a pawn against him. She's willing to take the risk. All she wants to know is, does he feel the same way about her as she does him?
He answers her by taking her into his arms, kissing her passionately, and getting on the bed with her.
Jax was in a minor accident while climbing and incurred some scratches on his face as well as cuts and bruises. Carly comes into General Hospital and demands to Leyla that she be able to see him. Leyla leaves her desk and returns with Jax. The two are having a conversation. Carly calls his name. He asks her if she's told Morgan that they've broken up. She says no, they went to the shore. Jax says, well, if she needs him there when she tells Morgan, give him a call. He gets into the elevator as she calls after him. The marriage is done. Stick a fork in it.
Carly becomes pretty distraught, so she does the thing she always does. No, she doesn't run to Sonny. She runs straight to Jason's, where she interrupts Liason sex. So rude, right?
Another one who won't take no for an answer - Sonny. Elizabeth won't, Carly won't, and Sony won't. Kate admits that she still loves Sonny, but she's afraid of being hurt again.
He picks up something resembling a Lalique artwork and threatens to break the mirror and have seven years bad luck if he can't have her. He offers to let her do it to prove she doesn't love him. She can't. You can see on her face that she wants to marry him.
At PCPD, Claudia takes advantage of Johnny being happy with her to remind him that she does not approve of him and Lulu "on any level." Ric urges them not to get ahead of themselves with excitement; Claudia's testimony was a big help, but there's no guarantee Johnny will be found not guilty. Anthony and Trevor discuss what a great job Claudia did, and Trevor mentions her "strange" relationship with Johnny, noting that she has no other man in her life. Claudia makes a play for Ric, which he discourages for the moment anyway.
Now we have a feat of magic a la Superman. Kate prepares for her hot date with Jerry while Lucky complains. He hides on the terrace and watches. As predicted, Jerry is suspicious of this sudden affection for him and wants to know what she's really up to.
OKAY - the next scene takes place at Shadybrook. Lulu enters her mother's room and finds her sleeping. She panics. Laura wakes up, to Lulu's relief. She asks her mother why she can't tell her brothers that Laura is better. Laura says that she can't until she knows her conscious state is permanent. That will only be after the doctors run all of their tests. Lulu needed her and was actually in Shadybrook, and that's the only reason Laura told her. Lulu says goodnight to her mother and leaves the room. Lucky is in the hall. OKAY - how did Lucky get there? Did he fly off of Sam's terrace?? Lulu learns of Claudia's testimony and even gets to talk to Johnny.
Epiphany is elected foreperson of the jury (after Edward volunteers and is shot down). Epiphany, Ron and Edward get onto an old woman, Mrs. Albright (Ida from Desperate Housewives- Epiphany in fact moves closer and overhears her yakking during a break when they're not supposed to discuss the case about reasonable doubt and what a good soul Johnny has. After the break, Mrs. A excuses herself to use the ladies' room (something that probably should have been done during the break). She gets on the phone to Anthony (something that should have waited until the jurors were dismissed for the day) and she's followed in by Ron and Epiphany. Ron takes the phone from her and Epiphany tells Anthony that he is "so busted."
Nikolas shows up at the clinic, only to be met by smoke. He finds Nadine and Matt surrounded by flames.