- Instead of buying a basic greeting card, make your own. Choose colored card stock or scrapbook paper for the base. Use a basic bi-fold method or cut the card into a fun shape. Choose a shape that represents the recipient. For example, for someone who loves art, make a painter’s palette shape from the card. Add details to the front of the card by cutting them out of card stock and attaching them with craft glue. In the example of the painter’s palette, add colored circles to represent the paint. Write your birthday greetings on the back of the completed card.
- Make a photo album as a gift. Choose simple photo albums, adding pictures to the page. Or, select a more complex album. Use scrapbook materials and create a scrapbook complete with colored paper and scrapbook cutouts. Write captions and important information next to the pictures. If you enjoy writing, tell the story of the recipient’s life. Write the story in a journal and attach photographs to the pages.
- Create your own newspaper to commemorate the birthday girl’s big day. Include news stories about important events in her life, such as school graduation, birth of a child or retirement. Match the stories with pictures. Interview friends and family members and include their quotes in the stories. Save a newspaper bag from your weekly paper delivery and insert the completed paper inside the bag. Deliver the special paper in place the regular newspaper for a fun birthday morning surprise.
- Papier-mache is a crafting method that involves covering a surface with paper. Use sentimental items to create a papier-mache-covered gift for the recipient. Utilize newspapers or magazines with significance to the birthday boy. For example, use a copy of the newspaper from the day he was born. Or, a magazine featuring the recipient's favorite musician from when she was a child. Other ideas include ticket stubs, wedding programs or birth announcements. Tear the paper into strips. Use papier-mache glue to attach the strips to a picture frame, memory box or any other item of your choice.
Photo Books