Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

Three Reasons to Repair Your Windshield Chip Instead of Replacing the Windshield

Were you aware that the windshield provides up to 30% of a vehicle's structural strength.
In the event of a crash or rollover, the windshield supports the roof and assists the airbags in deploying.
Maintaining the windshield will help to ensure safety while operating the vehicle.
In everyday driving conditions, a chipped windshield can quickly turn into a safety hazard if the chip cracks suddenly.
It is impossible to determine whether a chip will crack and cause greater issue, but if it is a large chip, chances are it will eventually cause a crack if it goes unrepaired.
A chipped windshield does not mean that the windshield needs to be replaced, but the chip should be repaired as soon as possible.
There are several reasons why windshield chips should be repaired rather than ignored: -It's quick: Repairing a chip can take as little as 30 minutes -It saves money: Fixing a chip is much more affordable than replacing the windshield -It's safe: A chipped windshield can crack at any time Certain conditions that the vehicle encounters can make a chip more likely to crack.
Both cold and warm weather has an effect on the structural soundness of the windshield.
In cold conditions, windshields bend in a concave nature.
When a windshield is concave, horizontal cracks are more likely to occur.
As temperature decreases, the tendency for a chip to crack increases.
In warm weather conditions, chips are likely to crack vertically.
When running air conditioning inside the vehicle, the disparity in temperature from inside the vehicle to the outside increases the likelihood of a crack.
Road conditions can also affect the windshield.
Driving on uneven surfaces such as dirt roads increases the likelihood that the windshield will be jarred and crack.
If the car hits a pothole, the force can cause pressure on the windshield and create a crack.
Glass repair may not be covered by all car insurance policies; avoiding the need for full replacement is the best choice.
Repairing a chipped windshield in relatively inexpensive, with do-it-yourself kits starting around $10.
Many places offer windshield chip repairs while you are getting an oil change.
This can be a convenient way to repair a chipped windshield while having other work completed on the car.
There is no way to know for sure how long a chipped windshield will go without cracking, however it is best to avoid taking chances and have windshield chips repaired as soon as you notice them.
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