You may be popular amongst girls and might even have a big group of friends which includes a lot of girls.
However, if you are attracted to one of them and desperately seek her company then you will have to make her want you badly.
When you are able to do that only then will she know the real you and take the next step.
Smell great Dress well and smell even better.
If you smell like you have just run a half marathon to school/college/university then you stand no chance.
You need to smell fresh and inviting.
A leisurely shower with the right amount of cologne or perfume will make you look/smell good enough to eat.
However, do not overdo it or else you will smell like a mobile perfume store.
You don't have to be dressed in expensive brands; decent clothes that suit your frame will do just fine.
Humor her Impress your girl with your wit and one-liners.
You don't have to be stand up comedian, just keep her entertained and happy.
Boring and dull conversations should be avoided.
However, do not try your humor when she is feeling down or having a bad day.
Do not make any witty comments at her expense.
When discussing serious issues lighten the mood by using funny anecdotes that involves you.
Your ability to laugh at yourself will make you look confident.
Win over her friends Even as you attempt to win the affection of a particular girl, win over her friends with your charming attitude and pleasing personality.
If her friends are impressed by you they will push your case and maybe she will begin to see you in that sense.
However, do not flirt with her competitor, as that will be the end of the story for you.
Avoid pressurizing her to make a decision and let her take her own time.
However, if you are attracted to one of them and desperately seek her company then you will have to make her want you badly.
When you are able to do that only then will she know the real you and take the next step.
Smell great Dress well and smell even better.
If you smell like you have just run a half marathon to school/college/university then you stand no chance.
You need to smell fresh and inviting.
A leisurely shower with the right amount of cologne or perfume will make you look/smell good enough to eat.
However, do not overdo it or else you will smell like a mobile perfume store.
You don't have to be dressed in expensive brands; decent clothes that suit your frame will do just fine.
Humor her Impress your girl with your wit and one-liners.
You don't have to be stand up comedian, just keep her entertained and happy.
Boring and dull conversations should be avoided.
However, do not try your humor when she is feeling down or having a bad day.
Do not make any witty comments at her expense.
When discussing serious issues lighten the mood by using funny anecdotes that involves you.
Your ability to laugh at yourself will make you look confident.
Win over her friends Even as you attempt to win the affection of a particular girl, win over her friends with your charming attitude and pleasing personality.
If her friends are impressed by you they will push your case and maybe she will begin to see you in that sense.
However, do not flirt with her competitor, as that will be the end of the story for you.
Avoid pressurizing her to make a decision and let her take her own time.