If you're concerned about your vegetarian health, you might want to give some serious thought to your choice of dietary supplement. If, like most people, you rely on a standard, off-the-shelf multivitamin, you might actually be doing your body more harm than good.
The problem with taking multivitamin supplements for vegetarian health is that most of them are not precisely what they appear to be. The companies that make most multivitamins on the market today have their bottom lines to look after, and so they've grown adept at using different kinds of marketing tricks in order to enhance the appeal of their products. One way they're able to do this is by larding up their pills and liquids with a variety of different inert additives, most of which are just inert powders and dyes (sometimes even ordinary tap water winds up in the mix). These substances help give pills their shape, and help make liquid supplements drinkable, but they're not good for you, and they do nothing for your vegetarian health. So why pay for them?
The other problem with taking multivitamins for vegetarian health is that scientific trials have shown, repeatedly, that the lab-produced nutrients that give multivitamins their supposed health benefits are actually not particularly effective at preventing serious disease. In fact, several studies have shown a positive correlation between taking multivitamins and developing certain kinds of serious diseases-which is a little ironic.
For lasting vegetarian health, it makes much more sense to take a dietary supplement that is vegetable in origin, like Super Sea Veg.
Super Sea Veg contains nothing but additive-free seaweed, gathered from pristine ocean waters all around the world. Seaweed is completely edible and extremely rich in nutrients, making it an ideal way to support vegetarian health.
Seaweed is a great source of many vitamins and minerals of major concern for those interested in vegetarian health. Vitamin D, for example is abundant in many of the varieties of seaweed in Super Sea Veg. Some vegetarians are deficient in vitamin D, because they don't get it from milk, like the majority of the meat-eating population. Super Sea Veg helps solve that problem.
Super Sea Veg also helps shore up vegetarian health by providing a constant supply of nutritious vegetable iodine. Most of use get iodine from table salt, which is artificially iodized. Since many vegetarians refuse foods that have been heavily processed, they often don't eat iodized salt, which can put them at risk of a dangerous iodine deficiency. This is a major vegetarian health problem, and Super Sea Veg can solve it relatively easily.
Instead of your daily multivitamin, take a few capsules of Super Sea Veg. It's the UNvitamin. To learn more about Super Sea Veg, visit superseaveg.
The problem with taking multivitamin supplements for vegetarian health is that most of them are not precisely what they appear to be. The companies that make most multivitamins on the market today have their bottom lines to look after, and so they've grown adept at using different kinds of marketing tricks in order to enhance the appeal of their products. One way they're able to do this is by larding up their pills and liquids with a variety of different inert additives, most of which are just inert powders and dyes (sometimes even ordinary tap water winds up in the mix). These substances help give pills their shape, and help make liquid supplements drinkable, but they're not good for you, and they do nothing for your vegetarian health. So why pay for them?
The other problem with taking multivitamins for vegetarian health is that scientific trials have shown, repeatedly, that the lab-produced nutrients that give multivitamins their supposed health benefits are actually not particularly effective at preventing serious disease. In fact, several studies have shown a positive correlation between taking multivitamins and developing certain kinds of serious diseases-which is a little ironic.
For lasting vegetarian health, it makes much more sense to take a dietary supplement that is vegetable in origin, like Super Sea Veg.
Super Sea Veg contains nothing but additive-free seaweed, gathered from pristine ocean waters all around the world. Seaweed is completely edible and extremely rich in nutrients, making it an ideal way to support vegetarian health.
Seaweed is a great source of many vitamins and minerals of major concern for those interested in vegetarian health. Vitamin D, for example is abundant in many of the varieties of seaweed in Super Sea Veg. Some vegetarians are deficient in vitamin D, because they don't get it from milk, like the majority of the meat-eating population. Super Sea Veg helps solve that problem.
Super Sea Veg also helps shore up vegetarian health by providing a constant supply of nutritious vegetable iodine. Most of use get iodine from table salt, which is artificially iodized. Since many vegetarians refuse foods that have been heavily processed, they often don't eat iodized salt, which can put them at risk of a dangerous iodine deficiency. This is a major vegetarian health problem, and Super Sea Veg can solve it relatively easily.
Instead of your daily multivitamin, take a few capsules of Super Sea Veg. It's the UNvitamin. To learn more about Super Sea Veg, visit superseaveg.