Technology Software

Internet Monitoring Software, Where Has Your Computer Been Lately?

There are many reasons why we would and should want to know what internet sites have been visited on our computers by others.
Whether we are parents concerned for our children's safety on-line, someone who questions the fidelity of our mate, or an employer wondering how much work time is being spent on the internet for non-work related activities.
Software is available that can shed some light into these possible dark areas.
The internet has been a great tool for all of us as it has brought so much of the world, information, communication and experiences to our fingertips.
There is virtually little that one cannot find out about instantly with computers as they exist today.
Social networking sites have exploded to bring together a world that was once very far apart.
Large groups of people can communicate and be brought together in a short amount of time.
One need only look at the recent uprisings in Arab countries to see the power of the internet and how big a role it played in organizing people.
It is as easy to communicate with someone on the other side of the Earth as it is to communicate with someone on the other side of our street.
The difference often is that we do not really know who we are communicating with on the internet.
This is especially important when our children develop relationships with strangers on the internet.
Are the contacts really who they say they are? For all of the good things that internet access has brought to us, there is also a darker and abusive side.
It seems daily that we read about child predators using the social media sites on the internet to lure young children and teens for sexual encounters.
Unfaithful mates can access the countless dating or hook-up sites for new relationships.
I have been a business owner and was shocked when I discovered how much time some of my employees were spending on non-work related internet sites during work hours.
So what if we could know where are computer was going when we weren't there.
If we could see what sites our children were visiting to know that they were safe.
To be able to read emails and instant messages that our children, mates or employees were sending on our computers.
To be able to see actual monitor displays that were being viewed.
There is software available which can inconspicuously track all of these things and show how people are using your computer.
As a parent wouldn't you want to protect your children from predators or from getting into trouble if you could? As a parent, mate or employer you can now see everything that has been typed on your computer.
This includes all emails, instant messages and social networking messaging.
Software can actually take screen snapshots so you can easily see what sites are being visited while you are away from your computer.
You are even able to block web sites that you deem to be undesirable or dangerous to your family.
These programs can do all of this behind the scenes, unknown to users.
Could this not possibly greatly increase productivity in your work place? The goal in all of this should be to keep our on-line experiences as safe and positive as possible.
We need to be aware of and alert to dangers which exist when we are on the internet.
With these products we can protect our families, improve our business productivity and generally give us some peace of mind.
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