Wanna fly high? Get some attitude.
I don't mean that cocky look at me attitude.
I'm talking about that unshakable confidence and quiet surety that comes from knowing you can do whatever you set your mind to.
Some recent studies have actually shown that attitude controls about 90 percent of our physical health and well-being.
That's a pretty strong percentage.
Only about 10 percent is attributed to diet and exercise and all that physical stuff.
Don't get me wrong, a terrible diet does nothing to promote good health, but that poorly nutritious diet has everything to do with attitude.
You eat poorly because of some emotional damage that compels you to seek out that taste good feeling of comfort foods.
The compulsion for comfort is much stronger than the realization that it is a destructive path.
You can change your attitude however, by giving yourself a little pep talk and make some choices.
Do you want to be healthy and strong or sick and weak? Do you want to be miserable and depressed or forward thinking and happy? Do you want to have something to get out of bed for every day, or do you want to lay in bed and pull the covers over your head? There is so much to do, to accomplish and to experience, I cannot imagine anything else.
My attitude is important to my everyday experience, just as it is important to yours.
Look at the alternatives in your life.
Choose how you want to live your life.
No one can make your life better, but you can by changing your attitude about everything in your life.
Changes can include how you frame your thoughts, whether they are negative and critical or positive and constructive.
You can also look at what you eat and what you think about food.
Do you overeat? Do you eat enough? Do you eat a lot of junk food or sweets? What do you think about your job and your boss? Are you grateful for your job and all of the things that your job provides? Are you grateful for what you do have or are you always wanting more? Do you appreciate your partner and acknowledge everything they contribute to your relationship? I know you have an attitude about everything, but is it the right attitude to support your dream life? If it's not, it's time to take stock and find out what you need to change.
Always remember, everything around you will shift, once you decide what you want, and shift.
Don't play the blame game.
Acknowledge what you have contributed to make a situation what it is.
Shift your attitude into a more proactive and positive frame of mind.
The results may surprise you.
Once you shift your attitude, you will notice a pleasant shift in your energy.
A good headspace translates into a tremendous day where flow is very evident and better circumstances seem to appear.
The trick is to maintain that positive, uplifting attitude.
That is where a mentor can help, someone who can talk you out of your funk and help you create a more positive mindset for yourself.
If your mood is particularly down, exercise can improve your attitude.
Put on some dance music and move for a few minutes or watch something ridiculous on YouTube and have a good laugh.
You must shift out of that low gear any way you can.
Once you do, write down everything about your life that you are going to change.
Start with one thing and work on it every day until you have broken the habit and mastered it.
For example, if you are going to try to drink more water, try to drink more water today than you did yesterday, and so on until you are drinking half your body weight in ounces.
If you need to eat less sweets, take chromium, build up your mineral reserves and your cravings will probably disappear.
If you have childhood emotional issues, try EFT or find an expert healer who knows how to remove that memory from your energy field.
If you need a mentor or an expert energy healer, let me know.
I do awesome work by distance.
The point is, only you can change the circumstances in your life.
There are three basic types of people, the victim, the perpetrator and the victim.
At different times in your life, and sometimes every day, you are each of those types.
If you want to step out of that loop, shift your attitude or find someone who can help you.
You owe it to yourself to manifest your dream life.
It's time!
I don't mean that cocky look at me attitude.
I'm talking about that unshakable confidence and quiet surety that comes from knowing you can do whatever you set your mind to.
Some recent studies have actually shown that attitude controls about 90 percent of our physical health and well-being.
That's a pretty strong percentage.
Only about 10 percent is attributed to diet and exercise and all that physical stuff.
Don't get me wrong, a terrible diet does nothing to promote good health, but that poorly nutritious diet has everything to do with attitude.
You eat poorly because of some emotional damage that compels you to seek out that taste good feeling of comfort foods.
The compulsion for comfort is much stronger than the realization that it is a destructive path.
You can change your attitude however, by giving yourself a little pep talk and make some choices.
Do you want to be healthy and strong or sick and weak? Do you want to be miserable and depressed or forward thinking and happy? Do you want to have something to get out of bed for every day, or do you want to lay in bed and pull the covers over your head? There is so much to do, to accomplish and to experience, I cannot imagine anything else.
My attitude is important to my everyday experience, just as it is important to yours.
Look at the alternatives in your life.
Choose how you want to live your life.
No one can make your life better, but you can by changing your attitude about everything in your life.
Changes can include how you frame your thoughts, whether they are negative and critical or positive and constructive.
You can also look at what you eat and what you think about food.
Do you overeat? Do you eat enough? Do you eat a lot of junk food or sweets? What do you think about your job and your boss? Are you grateful for your job and all of the things that your job provides? Are you grateful for what you do have or are you always wanting more? Do you appreciate your partner and acknowledge everything they contribute to your relationship? I know you have an attitude about everything, but is it the right attitude to support your dream life? If it's not, it's time to take stock and find out what you need to change.
Always remember, everything around you will shift, once you decide what you want, and shift.
Don't play the blame game.
Acknowledge what you have contributed to make a situation what it is.
Shift your attitude into a more proactive and positive frame of mind.
The results may surprise you.
Once you shift your attitude, you will notice a pleasant shift in your energy.
A good headspace translates into a tremendous day where flow is very evident and better circumstances seem to appear.
The trick is to maintain that positive, uplifting attitude.
That is where a mentor can help, someone who can talk you out of your funk and help you create a more positive mindset for yourself.
If your mood is particularly down, exercise can improve your attitude.
Put on some dance music and move for a few minutes or watch something ridiculous on YouTube and have a good laugh.
You must shift out of that low gear any way you can.
Once you do, write down everything about your life that you are going to change.
Start with one thing and work on it every day until you have broken the habit and mastered it.
For example, if you are going to try to drink more water, try to drink more water today than you did yesterday, and so on until you are drinking half your body weight in ounces.
If you need to eat less sweets, take chromium, build up your mineral reserves and your cravings will probably disappear.
If you have childhood emotional issues, try EFT or find an expert healer who knows how to remove that memory from your energy field.
If you need a mentor or an expert energy healer, let me know.
I do awesome work by distance.
The point is, only you can change the circumstances in your life.
There are three basic types of people, the victim, the perpetrator and the victim.
At different times in your life, and sometimes every day, you are each of those types.
If you want to step out of that loop, shift your attitude or find someone who can help you.
You owe it to yourself to manifest your dream life.
It's time!