Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

4 Natural Asthma Cures That Some Asthma Sufferers Claim to Work Effectively

If you have suffered with asthma then you may be tired of the many medications and steroidal treatments that the doctors have put you on.
There are natural cures that some asthma suffers claim to work effectively.
These different treatments include breathing techniques, fatty acids, butterbur, and fruits and vegetables.
Butterbur is a shrub found in Europe, North America, and Asia.
The active ingredients of this herbal shrub contain petasin and isopetasin.
These two ingredients are known to reduce muscle spasm which are responsible for closing the throat.
They also have an anti-inflammatory effect naturally.
The butterbur has been tested with inhalers to give asthma patients a more effective treatment when used together.
However, butterbur is not a replacement for medications.
This is one of the natural asthma cures that works to reduce the intake of medication by relaxing the muscles and preventing attacks.
Fruits and vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, and green leafy veggies also prove to lower the number of asthma attacks in people.
It is thought that a high consumption of apples is good for asthmatic patients.
Children should eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis to eliminate any risks associated with the disease, especially if it runs in the family.
Adults that have asthma usually have a low intake of fruits and vegetables.
Fatty acids are known as natural asthma cures because they work as anti-inflammatory fats.
There are specific fats which cause inflammation which include fats found in egg yolks, shellfish, and different types of meat.
Lowering the intake of these foods can help.
Children with high levels of arachidonic acid had more prevalent asthma than those without the intake in these foods.
Our bodies also produce these fatty acids but they can be reduced by taking things like fish oil, borage, primrose oil, and more.
Another thing that you can take is Omega-3 fatty acid tablets.
However, they can interact with blood thinning medications for heart patients like warfarin and aspirin.
The side effects can cause bleeding and indigestion.
Natural asthma cures also can be obtained by practicing natural breathing techniques on a daily basis.
Buteyko Breathing Technique was designed by Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, a Russian researcher.
This technique consists of breathing in a shallow fashion to help you breathe easier.
This technique raises blood levels of carbon dioxide which dilates the muscles of the airways.
The effects of this technique mimics some of yoga methodologies but has shown to lower the symptoms of asthma in many sufferers.
There are many asthma natural cures that people have been looking for many years to help relieve symptoms, eliminate medications, and make the quality of life easier so people can enjoy a more active lifestyle.
There are many things that you can do to reduce the symptoms of asthma naturally which include breathing techniques, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, reducing fatty acids from your diet and taking the fatty acids that your body needs to reduce inflammation, and taking butterbur.
These natural cures can help many asthma sufferers be healthier.
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