Health & Medical Self-Improvement

On a Journey in Search of I Am

Thank you,, I'd like to start off by thanking God the Father By the power of the Holy Spirit, Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, For this experience called Life.
Come go with me on a Journey in search of I am.
Good evening, I will be your tour guide for this journey.
Our form of transportation will be Imagination.
We will be traveling at the speed of Thought.
Our flight will take us through Body, Soul/Mind and Spirit.
We should reach our destination in time of Belief Before we leave, if anyone has to go, would you please dispose Of your FEAR ,DOUBT and NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.
So, if all passengers are ready would you please Fasten you Faith! And we will be taking off! Wait, I've just received a message from the Captain.
It states that we are low on harmony.
You see we must refuel our harmony so we can take off together.
Would all passengers please repeat the following affirmation with sincerity and emotion.
The Best Way to Get What I Want, Is To Help Enough Other People Get What They Want!!! The Best Way to Get What I Want, Is To Help Enough Other People Get What They Want!!! Were almost on one accord.
Again, The Best Way to Get What I Want, Is To Help Enough Other People Get What They Want!!! Were Off! Please brace yourselves.
We are about to enter into the Body, right through the Eye (since the eyes are the pathway to the soul, we can get there quickly).
See yourselves passing right into your eye through your pupil down the optic nerve and into the brain.
Wow!! Our brains capacity is like a large country.
To Bad we only use the capacity of our neighborhood.
Look, we are now entering our mind.
If you notice on your right you have your creativity and on your left is your intelligence.
And look, just below the nape of your brain is your memory..
Let's go there.
Do you remember your first day of school? Yes, your very first day when you were going to be in the 1st Grade.
Remember how eager you were when you got up that morning and your parent helped you to get dressed for school.
You know, some of us walked to school.
Some of us caught the bus.
Some of us were dropped of by our parent and some of us ran just as fast as we could to be the 1st one to school that day.
Ahhh! The anticipation of a new life.
No one had received and A or an F.
No one had been picked 1st to play kick ball.
No one had thrown up in the lunch room.
No one had gotten in a fight and been sent home.
And no one had peed in their clothes and started crying.
There was only the anticipation of a new life.
My friends that is what this journey is about.
The journey in search of I am As we leave the part of the brain were the memory is stored we come in contact with our soul or sub-conscious mind.
Our sub-conscious mind is the book of our lives.
Every second of our lives with every experience of our lives has been recorded and filed away.
Visualize with me if you will, your birth.
Yes, your very own birth.
How one day you were resting in your mothers womb, floating around stretching your arms and your legs.
When! All of a sudden something jerks your body downward! You see fluid move past your body as you are pulled with it! Your heart starts to race as you are being forced out of your peaceful quiet and watery home.
Then after a serious ordeal you are out.
Something is hurting your eyes.
You try to peep out ever so slightly.
Ohhh it hurts!! You close your eyes as tight as you can! Then some unexpected force strikes you from behind! And you let out a sound! Why! And when you stop something comes into you.
Your 1st Breath.
The Spirit, our final destination in this journey in search of I am.
Through the clouds of our mind we fly onward having passed through the body into the mind to the soul or sub-conscious to the spirit where we find the presence of I am.
Prayer, yes prayer.
Prayerize with me if you will standing in the presence of the "Great I AM".
Having reached our destination through prayer, faith and good works.
What do we do now? What do we say to God? What words do we use? Where do we find these words? Recall, the Book The Holy Book of God! Now!, Now!, Now! In the presence of God we must go to the Book of our life to recall the words! Are we prepared? Have we studied to show ourselves approved? Can we do all things through Christ which strengthens us? Do we believe if God be for us then who can be against us? Do we love the Lord with all our heart and all our mind? Can we love our neighbor as we love ourselves? My friends remember that we, will have to be you and me.
That when you and I go on our personal private journeys in search of I AM; That we must come with the anticipation of a new life! (Except you come as a little child you can not enter into the kingdom of Heaven) That we must be reborn! (Renewed in the spirit of our minds!) That we must know who God is! That we must know what God has said! And that we be specific in what we ask! Because when proper preparation meets a golden opportunity you have an Answered Prayer.
Thank you,
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