Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Calories Burned - Running Verses Walking

Often people who are exercising need to know the number of calories being burned up during specific exercise routines.
Most modern exercise machines perform this function and there are some older machines that are able to indicate this information.
There are people who adopt other exercise methods and do not use exercise machines and they also need to know the number of calories burnt, for example walking versus running.
It is different and may not be what you think.
Calories burnt are not dependent only on speed,body weight or amount of oxygen but rather a combination of these that are advantageous to walking quickly or running quickly or slowly.
Numbers can be anticipated to get the best benefit in optimal burning of calories.
Different aspects relating to calories burnt during walking versus running has been the subject of studies at various universities.
Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise published results of research which measured actual calories burnt amongst 12 women and 12 men during walking and running - it showed that more calories were burned in men who weighed more, while in both groups it showed that running burned more than walking.
Oxygen consumption is a partial explanation.
One liter of oxygen consumed burns five calories which means that during running, which increases oxygen consumption, more calories are burnt.
In cases of excessive body weight and physical capabilities are limited, walking will increase oxygen consumption.
The general rule of thumb in situations where weight is controlled and physical capabilities and oxygen consumption are normal, runners burn about 10 calories per minute and walkers burn about 5 calories per minute.
Results are relative to conditions - for instance, by walking quickly an overweight person with limited physical capabilities will burn more calories due to the extra weight and increased oxygen consumption.
However, as the person's physical capabilities and weight improve, calories burnt will decrease for the same amount of effort.
Running takes up less time than walking in order to burn the same amount of calories.
Many people who have time constraints for training find that running fits well into their daily routine.
Runners with only 20 minutes of exercise may burn 200 calories compared to 100 calories through walking.
Running has disadvantages such as increased wear and strain on the knees and hip joints - cartilage damage is increased as the weight landing on these body parts creates additional stress.
Walking briskly does not create the same stress on body parts and increases calories burnt with increased oxygen consumption.
Runners who suffer from knee and hip problems can therefore continue training through walking.
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