Health & Medical Nutrition

3 Foods to Avoid With Kidney Stones

Before we can determine what foods we need to avoid we need to determine how kidney stones are formed, these stones are formed when the urine becomes saturated with minerals that can no longer be absorbed in the urine, this unabsorbed portion becomes crystallized and form hard stones inside of the kidney.
It is important to note that these stone can form anywhere in the urinary tract.
This condition affect about 10% of white men and nearly as many women will develop this condition in their lives.
The most common type of kidney stone is made up of calcium oxalate; therefore a diet that focuses on preventing the buildup of oxalate in the urine could go a far way in helping to prevent the development of these stones.
The foods that we consumed should ensure that the body is provided with a balanced nutrition.
A balanced diet provides you with sufficient energy and nutrients.
We therefore need to follow a healthy approach to nutrition.
The 3 Main Foods To Avoid If You Have Kidney Stones 1.
Meats and Poultry A reduction in the consumption of meats such as beef, poultry and fish as these foods are rich in protein, protein is known to build up oxalate in the urine.
Fruits & Vegetables You will generally try to eliminate other foods containing oxalate.
Spinach seems to produce the most oxalate.
Other oxalate-containing foods include beans, beets, berries, oranges, chocolate, coffee, colas, and peanuts.
Salt You should try to limit your salt intake as studies show that reducing the amount of salt in the diet can also cut the amount of calcium in the urine.
Foods Not To Avoid If You Have Kidney Stones 1.
Calcium and kidney stones It was initially thought that an increase in the consumption of calcium would significantly increase the risk of kidney stone formation; however this has proven to be inaccurate as an increase intake of about 1,200 mg per day will reduces the formation of stones.
The calcium consumed should mainly come from dairy products such as cheese, milk, and yogurt.
Water The benefit of drinking a lots of water has always been recommended in order to keep a healthy system; for a person suffering with kidney stones this is no different, in fact it is recommended that you should consume at least 3 liters of water, this helps to flush out the stones by diluting the excess substances in the kidneys that can form stones.
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