Business & Finance Blogging

Why Do I Need a Blog?

What is a Blog? A blog is an online journal where you can express your feelings and thoughts.
Do you remember as children we used diaries to jot down our life experiences and as adults we would write our thoughts down in journals? Your blog is your daily tasks online instead of physically writing them down on paper.
Blogs are commentary, it has a social prospective because you can build a community and people can communicate with you through their comments.
You have leverage because you can interact with them back to answer questions or make comments on your own.
You can put videos and pictures and people get to know who you are.
You can reach so many people.
Blogs help you Brand yourself.
When people come to your Blog and leave comments on your post it is very powerful.
Just image, you just wrote a post that is helping people on a lead generating strategy and you have so many comments of people thinking you and saying how wonderful you are.
Now the next reader comes in and see al the comments, they will have all the testimonies they need that says you are a leader in the industry.
They will say to themselves wow I was thinking that about this post and so many other people were too.
Just make sure you posting helpful tips to help people with their growth and you are helping them solve their hurdles.
You will be far on your way.
The comments give you creditability.
What kind of information is on your blogs? Well we have what we call is Static pages and content pages.
The static pages don't change because they are things like your life story and your numbers.
You would only change this if your number change or maybe you get married or have a baby, or get a new puppy you want to talk about.
Your posts will change because that is the new information that you are putting on your blog.
Google love blogs, so if you have good information people will be able to find your post easy.
It only takes a couple of minutes to set up your blog.
You can either choose the free blogs or you can purchase your own domain a host your own site.
The reasons why I prefer the self hosted word press blog is that you own your own domain.
When you use the free blogging, you are own their site and you don't own the server.
If they changed their policies and procedures you could become a victim and loose your work forever.
Many people have found success online with Blogging and it is very cheap and you can gain an audience real fast.
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