Link building is essentially the process of getting reputable sites to link back to your website and is understood by anyone who owns a website to be the lifeline of your online business. It is important therefore to understand some of the most common and unqualified link building myths so that we can get to do our work more effectively.
Myth No 1.
It is bad for your website to leave your link on an "inner page" or inside page that is either new or has a very low Page Rank like PR0 which has a high Page Rank home page.
My own experience in link building has shown this to be absolutely false. In fact one of my main strategies is to look for good quality sites to link to and most of these times linking is done through any of the many pages of such sites. Naturally I have seen good success to be able to be convinced this is just a myth.
Myth No 2.
You should always obtain "relevant" links in the same niche as your website otherwise these non-relevant links won't don't help in your search engine optimization and even get you penalized by Google.
Ideally all of us should always try to obtain links belonging to the same niche, however it will not hurt you even if they come from sites belonging to entirely different niche. There is just no way that Google can exert much control over incoming links to your website. If this myth were true, many nasty people just need to start linking bad sites with their own competitors just to bring their sites down.
Myth No. 3
Building lots of backlinks too fast will get your penalized by Google.
Most people make this statement without defining what is considered too many links. I like to think that the average marketer does not build links to the tune of tens of thousands on a daily basis. Only when this happens would we think it is too excessive and could raise an alert to Google, who may investigate if spamming has taken place.
Myth No 1.
It is bad for your website to leave your link on an "inner page" or inside page that is either new or has a very low Page Rank like PR0 which has a high Page Rank home page.
My own experience in link building has shown this to be absolutely false. In fact one of my main strategies is to look for good quality sites to link to and most of these times linking is done through any of the many pages of such sites. Naturally I have seen good success to be able to be convinced this is just a myth.
Myth No 2.
You should always obtain "relevant" links in the same niche as your website otherwise these non-relevant links won't don't help in your search engine optimization and even get you penalized by Google.
Ideally all of us should always try to obtain links belonging to the same niche, however it will not hurt you even if they come from sites belonging to entirely different niche. There is just no way that Google can exert much control over incoming links to your website. If this myth were true, many nasty people just need to start linking bad sites with their own competitors just to bring their sites down.
Myth No. 3
Building lots of backlinks too fast will get your penalized by Google.
Most people make this statement without defining what is considered too many links. I like to think that the average marketer does not build links to the tune of tens of thousands on a daily basis. Only when this happens would we think it is too excessive and could raise an alert to Google, who may investigate if spamming has taken place.