Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Get the Abs You Desire With This Easy to Follow Workout

What looks better than a finely toned set of abs on a man or woman - is there anything?? The truth is you could have a set of these abs and you don't need to be at the gym 24/7 to gain them.
There are simple rules, that if you follow them you will see results and benefits.
These include your diet, completing defined workouts on a regular basis and sticking to a training plan.
Below I will highlight the main areas to focus on and follow this up with an ab workout / training plan which will set you on the road to awesome abs and a stunning six-pack.
My suggestion is that you complete the workout for 6 weeks, taking photos of your stomach 'before and after'.
Don't be disheartened if initially you struggle to complete all the exercises.
This is the main reason most people never achieve their goals, they 'give-up' at the first barrier.
There will be barriers, but if you are determined to get past these barriers you will reap the rewards! Right, without further chat, here are my key points of focus for achieving your desired abs:- DIET: "You are what you eat".
I'm sure you have heard this statement many times, but it's true.
Fill your stomach with burgers, cake, biscuits etc and it will cover even the most trained abs.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat - but a finally balanced diet including lots of fruit, vegetables and proteins will give your body the chance to see the benefit of your workouts.
DON'T WORK ABS DAILY: To work and improve muscles you must allow time for repair.
Abs are exactly the same.
Aim to work them out every other day.
WORKOUT IN THE MORNING: There are lots of reasons why working out first thing in the morning is most beneficial, not just for your abs but for your whole body.
Working out first thing when you get up kick-starts your metabolism into top gear - and this will continue through-out the day rather than gradually moving up the gears.
In today's modern world one of the most limited commodities is time, thus getting up earlier to exercise means you're busy schedule doesn't need to be compromised - and, trust me, you'll have more energy to deal with your busy schedule! You also get a 'success' by exercising early in the morning, and this will mentally set you up for a successful day.
VARIATION: Exercise can become boring if do the same thing for months on end.
Make sure you add variety to your workouts and regularly 'mix them up'.
You can add variety in the form of music, challenges and competition, and keeping track of your personal bests and trying to beat them.
CORRECT FORM: Awesome abs are not just of cosmetic benefit, they can also help prevent back problems.
However, when exercising it is important the exercise is carried out correctly and with good form.
Don't sacrifice good form in an attempt to do extra reps or a heavier weight / intensity.
The Workout (Weeks 1, 3 & 5 - Complete every other day and in the morning): Lying Leg Raises 10 reps Sit-ups 20 reps Hanging Leg Raises 10 reps Lying Bicycle 20 reps The Workout (Weeks 2, 4 & 6 - Complete every other day and in the morning): Lying Superman / banana pose 10 (of each, 10 sec hold) Crunchies 20 reps Hanging Leg Raises 10 reps The Plank / Bridge 1 minute Hold Complete 3 sets of each of the above exercises for the stated number of repetitions.
Do one set of each the exercises, one exercise after the other and take a 3 minute break and repeat.
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