Business & Finance Careers & Employment

3 Resume and Job Interview Mistakes That Will Keep You Unemployed

You've sent out a ton of resumes but barely get any calls for job interviews.
When you do get an interview, you never get a call back with a job offer.
Maybe you're making some crucial resume and interview mistakes that are huge red flags for potential employers.
Red flags that tell employers not to hire you.
Here are three resume and interview mistakes you must avoid.
Long Employment Gaps
There are a lot of legitimate reasons for having gaps in employment.
The key is to make very clear, on your resume, why you have these gaps.
If a potential employer sees gaps and there isn't a reason on the resume or in the cover letter that explains why, they most likely won't even bother calling you for the job interview.
They'll assume you have something to hide.
Be sure to explain any gaps in employment.
No References
You don't need to place references no your resume.
But you definitely need a section that says something like "References: Upon Request.
" Let your potential employer know that you are ready, willing and able to provide references.
Don't Be Negative About A Previous Employer
Potential employers don't want to hear all your negative thoughts about your previous employers.
It does not send a good signal and says a lot (in a bad way) about your attitude.
You can spin negatives into positives.
Did you think your previous boss was preventing you from getting a promotion? In your job interview state something like "I felt that I went as far as I could go at my previous job and I'm looking for an opportunity to move my career forward and face new challenges.
" Don't try and hide things from a potential employer, either on your resume or in the job interview.
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