Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Your Cover Letter Must Have THIS Ingredient

Focus, vivid language, clear request for an in-person interview, proper format with plenty of white space? Yes to all of these essentials of a job search cover letter.
But one ingredient that is often overlooked is tone.
Many job seekers give too much attention to their work experience and skills, important as they are, and neglect to reveal their personality and character through the manner in which they express themselves.
Tone of Voice Matters As you sit down to write your cover letter, consider how you want to come across and then match your wording to that objective.
Do you want to convey enthusiasm and sincerity or are you willing to settle for lackluster language that leaves the hiring manager wondering who you are as a person? Here are two examples.
Example A: Thanks so much for posting your need for an administrative assistant on AnytownJobs.
I've been looking for such a position since I moved to AnyTown last month.
When I discovered that your organization is hiring, I jumped on the opportunity to contact you.
I've had five years of experience assisting my previous employer and I know I can contribute to your company the skills I've developed in this job--organization, dependability, crisis management, and positive problem-solving.
Could we meet for an interview? I'm eager to find out your expectations for the person you hire and to show you how I will work hard to meet them.
Please name a date and time that is right for you and I'll be there, ready to get right down to business.
Example B: I read your advertisement for an administrative assistant on AnytownJobs.
This is the kind of work I wish to do.
Therefore, I am writing this cover letter to let you know that I would like to meet for an interview so I can talk over what you need and how I can provide it.
I have experience and skills related to this type of work.
You can consult my enclosed resume for more details.
Please let me know if you would like to interview me.
I am available weekday afternoons.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Review and Study If you were the hiring manager, which cover letter would you respond to? Take a moment to review each example and then jot down some notes on why you prefer the one you chose.
What makes it stand out? What character trait shines through? Would the person behind this letter be someone you'd like to work with? What might you expect from that individual if faced with a crisis? Save your comments and these examples to study while planning your next cover letter for the position you're seeking.
Then let your personality and character guide you as you write, including job-related details in a tone that will compel the hiring manager to call you for an interview.
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