Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Team Builder Guide

    What is Team Building?

    • Team building is the process by which group members learn teamwork skills while developing other valuable traits. These programs often intertwine a challenging game with larger meanings. For example, the team building program All Aboard requires the staff to "stay alive" on a sinking ship, but helps teach critical thinking and communication. Team building programs can also help develop problem-solving and leadership skills, while introducing new staff members to each other.

    All Aboard

    • All Aboard is a team building program that can be used when organizing a new staff. This game helps develop critical thinking and communication skills. Create a makeshift boat using wood, carpet or tile. Have the entire team stand on the boat. Next, the program leader removes pieces of the boat. The team must adjust their positions to stay on the ship. As people fall off, they are eliminated. When the entire team is eliminated, the activity leader can hold a discussion to give the team feedback. The team can also talk about their feelings with having to quickly create new ideas and support their teammates.

    Survival Scenario

    • Survival Scenario is a team building program that develops the ability to prioritize and solve important problems. This program can be used with groups of 5 to 10 people or by dividing a larger group. Provide each group with a set of 15 items such as blankets, tools and batteries. The activity leader describes an accident that leaves the team stranded. The team must then select 10 items to salvage. Give the group 20 minutes to discuss their lists. After time is up, the teams present their lists to the group, explaining their reasoning behind selecting their items. Allow the groups to ask questions to help better understand each other's thought processes.

    The Ropes Course

    • The ropes course is a program consisting of various challenges. The obstacles in this program are created from rope combinations. For example, the team will have to scale a rope wall while supporting teammates who must act out aliments such as blindness. Teams are given time to create a plan to pass the challenge before they must complete the task. When the teams have completed the task, the activity leader spends time discussing the point behind the obstacle. Challenges can display the need to be able to support teammates when called upon or the importance of delegating tasks among teammates. The ropes course allows for feedback from teammates while teaching skills such as communication and critical thinking.

    Other Information

    • It's important to understand the needs of the type of team you are helping to create. Since team building programs offer a variety of benefits, you want to be sure that you are using the right program. Team building games are available to teach specific ideals, including diversity and cultural understanding. These games are developed with the intention of revealing different thought patterns and cultural differences among staff members. This can lead to a better understanding and appreciation for those in the workplace with different backgrounds and lifestyles.

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