Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Starting Out With A Step Counter

A step counter, or pedometer, can improve your health and overall wellness, help you to lose weight and potentially live longer too.
So, what's a pedometer? It is a small electronic device (a gadget) that you wear on your waistband.
As you walk, it counts your steps.
To be technically correct I'll clarify.
A pedometer actually calculates distance.
A step counter only counts steps.
Today's pedometer still counts steps but it also uses a user-input stride length to calculate that distance.
More complex pedometers will also calculate calories burned, time spent in exercise each day, steps per minute and whether you reach aerobic levels, etc.
If you are just starting to walk for fitness, you don't need much more than a decent $20 or so step counter.
So why would you want to count steps anyway? Well the steps you take are a primary indicator of the activity you engage in each day.
Research and studies over the last ten years have shown that you don't need to allot a specific time for exercising as smaller bouts of exercise can have the same effect.
Say, for instance a short walk in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Nice? I thought you'd like that! Some small daily changes in your routine and a simple little pedometer to chart your progress can have tremendous beneficial effects on your health.
By taking more steps per day you increase your daily activity and metabolism.
You burn more calories.
Your muscles get moving.
But that's not all..
Exercising also increases stamina, stimulates weight loss, lowers blood cholesterol levels, lowers your blood pressure, improves your mood and your self image and enhances your quality of life.
Try it for a week - 3 small walks per day, every day and assess how you feel by the end of one week.
Remember that it takes 7 weeks to make your new habit a part of your life so if you feel better (and I know you will) then keep at it for another 6 weeks to follow.
Here's what else you'll notice...
You're going to sleep better, you'll be strengthening your heart and lungs, your energy will increase and you'll ability to deal with stress will strengthen.
You'll also lower your triglycerides and better control blood sugar levels/diabetes naturally.
There are more benefits to exercise as I'm sure you already know.
The point is that a new routine, a step towards fitness, doesn't need to cost a fortune or fill up your evenings and weekends.
Start with just 10 minute walks a few times a day and your life will be improved.
Assess at the end of the week and if you're feeling great, add more time to each walk or increase the speed and intensity of your walks.
Measure your progress and record your steps in your personal pedometer if you have one.
Here's to your strength, your health, and your long life!
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