Let's say you've been using anti aging skin care products on your face for years, maybe even decades.
You feel confident in how you are aging gracefully.
You're experiencing far fewer wrinkles and fine lines on your complexion than many of your peers, and your firm skin gives you a youthful appearance that amazes your friends and family.
No one has a clue how old you are when they look at your face.
The only concern is that the rest of your body has continued to age at its normal pace.
With all the pressure to appear young and beautiful forever, keeping your complexion's youthful looking skin is absolutely a priority.
But don't let the rest of your body slide at the expense of your face! You can use the same anti wrinkle cream that you use on your face to eliminate wrinkles on your hands, neck, and any other locations where your age begins to show.
Keep in mind the skin on your face is thinner than that of the rest of your body, so while you may see amazing results from your products very quickly on your facial skin, it may take a slightly longer time frame to see the same fantastic results on other parts of your body.
Hands As you get older, the skin on your hands begins to thin, and may be more prone to age spots and wrinkles.
This is a similar phenomenon to what happens to your facial skin as you age, so applying a natural anti aging cream to your hands and face simultaneously allows them to age at the same speed.
Arms If your weight has yo-yoed up and down over the years, you may notice a little bit of wrinkling on your forearms and wrists from loose and thinning skin.
Utilizing a wrinkle reducing cream can help tighten this up and prevent the skin from wrinkling further in the future.
Neck Some people say the best way to determine a woman's true age is by looking at her neck.
Well, who says your neck has to tell the truth? When you apply your anti aging face creams, don't stop at the jaw line; go all the way down your neck, focusing especially on any creases that may be caused from your neck movements and the way you carry yourself.
(Hint: you can also eliminate neck creases by working on your posture!) Chest While you're giving your neck a good once-over every day, you might as well keep applying those natural anti aging creams even further down, right onto your chest.
Whether you wear modest clothing or lower-cut shirts, a little bit of skin is often still visible around the base of your neck and your collarbone.
You feel confident in how you are aging gracefully.
You're experiencing far fewer wrinkles and fine lines on your complexion than many of your peers, and your firm skin gives you a youthful appearance that amazes your friends and family.
No one has a clue how old you are when they look at your face.
The only concern is that the rest of your body has continued to age at its normal pace.
With all the pressure to appear young and beautiful forever, keeping your complexion's youthful looking skin is absolutely a priority.
But don't let the rest of your body slide at the expense of your face! You can use the same anti wrinkle cream that you use on your face to eliminate wrinkles on your hands, neck, and any other locations where your age begins to show.
Keep in mind the skin on your face is thinner than that of the rest of your body, so while you may see amazing results from your products very quickly on your facial skin, it may take a slightly longer time frame to see the same fantastic results on other parts of your body.
Hands As you get older, the skin on your hands begins to thin, and may be more prone to age spots and wrinkles.
This is a similar phenomenon to what happens to your facial skin as you age, so applying a natural anti aging cream to your hands and face simultaneously allows them to age at the same speed.
Arms If your weight has yo-yoed up and down over the years, you may notice a little bit of wrinkling on your forearms and wrists from loose and thinning skin.
Utilizing a wrinkle reducing cream can help tighten this up and prevent the skin from wrinkling further in the future.
Neck Some people say the best way to determine a woman's true age is by looking at her neck.
Well, who says your neck has to tell the truth? When you apply your anti aging face creams, don't stop at the jaw line; go all the way down your neck, focusing especially on any creases that may be caused from your neck movements and the way you carry yourself.
(Hint: you can also eliminate neck creases by working on your posture!) Chest While you're giving your neck a good once-over every day, you might as well keep applying those natural anti aging creams even further down, right onto your chest.
Whether you wear modest clothing or lower-cut shirts, a little bit of skin is often still visible around the base of your neck and your collarbone.