Health & Medical Nutrition

Limu Seaweed is Food and More

If you have not heard the name Limu spoken recently, then you are behind in the game of health.
Limu is a nutritional powerhouse.
It started out with 650 scientific studies being conducted on it.
Rapidly, those numbers have increased and more than doubled within only a few short years.
Those findings continue to amaze, not only the science community, but the medical community as well.
Limu is a nutritional rich brown seaweed found in the ocean of Tonga.
It absorbs trace minerals and vitamins from Tonga's nourishing waters.
As a matter of fact, studies have found over 77 elements including vitamin C, E, and B.
They also discovered selenium, protein, calcium, iron, and more were found present in this plant.
But, the key ingredient is the glyconutrient called Fucoidan.
Fucoidan, sometimes known as fucans and fucoidans was first isolated from brown algae in 1913.
Scientists started looking at its potential use in a number of treatment areas including cancer and heart disease.
Other medical uses for this brown seaweed range from topical burn therapy to therapy to soften tumors.
It is liken to aloe vera, another plant that offers many uses both inside and out.
The health benefits of this edible seaweed is now leading the country.
Fucoidan being the key properties of limu, Limu Moui is considered the key to wellness by many.
It is also classified as a nutrient dense food source.
This alone can be golden in looking for the best way to supplement the body.
Society is now taking notice of the decline of nutrients showing up in food today.
Food fortification is a huge issue.
People are also recognizing the growth in the use of nutritional supplements.
There were lots of problems with the original food pyramid, such as exclusion of other important sources of nutrition.
Including was sea-based "vegetables" such as that as Limu.
The body requires a certain amount of nutrients to promote good health and prevent diseases.
It is not happening with food being prepared by  today's modern world.
There are over ninety -seven known reasons that one can benefit just by consuming limu.
Taking a walk through the valley of the food pyramid is a start to discovering basic guidance for including the recommended foods daily.
Above that, look to incorporate the use of edible seaweed into your regimen.
It can it mean a world of difference in your overall health.
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