Health & Medical Anti Aging

It"s You! Looking Good - Stay Fabulous

Do you feel flattered if someone told you that you're so fabulous? Are you overwhelmed and happy? What does it mean when one is being fabulous? Does it constitute the physical characteristics of a person? Does the word fabulous, connote being sexy? Maybe the answer lies in our mind and heart.
These questions are said to be more personal.
It's Reflective Thinking.
It's within us.
What really is important is that we know within ourselves that we have something in us that makes us feel and act fabulous.
However, whether we like it or not, people seems to believe that being fabulous constitutes to being healthy and energetic - thus, staying youthful.
I believe it could be a valid proposition.
Everyone thinks that being fabulous means staying fit, healthy, and beautiful in the inside and of course staying young and passionate about life and what it brings.
As time evolves, we change, physically and mentally.
Before the sun sets on us, let us recapture or hold on being young.
Let us give our best shot in making our youth worth living for.
According to some health experts, there are five tips on how to stay young and fabulous.
These simple everyday steps promise to bring vitality and vibrancy to our lives.
Staying youthful is not simply superficial.
Our views, concepts and emotions are often revealing.
Preserving our youth is all about feeling good, advancing vitality stages and upholding good health.
Drink Lots of Water.
We all recognise that our body contains over 70% of water.
This signifies that it is a valued element for the appropriate functioning of our cells.
Water regulates our body and enhances life-force circulation.
It removes toxin from our bodies and slow down the aging process.
Inadequate water intake will cause premature aging.
Having a routine exercise.
Exercising aids the risk of osteoporosis as we advance in age.
In our sedentary lifestyle, fatigue is a commonplace.
Physical exercise performs on a regular basis will enhance our vitality and mental alertness.
In addition, it creates calmness and generates a "happy feeling", thus keeping stress and sadness at bay.
It is important to set aside time to practise accountability.
To have a supportive friend or coach who is willing to help you to be disciplined in keeping your exercise commitment, is a good thing to have.
"Enjoy Hearty Laughs".
A good hearty jest helps to exercise our diaphragm, abdominal and upper body.
It unwinds our brawn and aids our mental and emotional health.
Each time we jest - the body's natural hurt assassin is liberated while overloaded or strained hormones are reduced.
This alleviates hurt, strain and prevents sickness.
In addition, it connects us to other people in an optimistic fashion, thus advancing our Laws of Attraction.
Have you noticed that a cheerful person lives a youthful and healthy life? It contributes an aura of wellbeing that surrounds you.
Indeed, laughter is a good medicine.
Be with Children, Be a Child.
Play like a child.
Spend time with young children if you can.
Have fun in the playground, kick a ball in the park, fly a kite at the beach, play hop scotch and run round the park, and be amazed what fun you can have.
Feel free to let your creative energy arise and unite in the worry-free make-believe world of innocence.
Even if you not able to strongly engaged with them or join in their recreational activities fully, enjoy their loud laughter, spontaneity and vitality is refreshing.
Kids can keep you cheerful and happy.
Adopt a Healthy Mindset.
A healthy mindset will keep you young.
It refers to your attitude to life.
Negative thoughts and anxiety create mood swing.
If a thought can be modified, change it.
If it is not possible, change the angle of viewing that thought by injecting optimism, success, happiness and surround yourself with positive people.
Take challenges as opportunities for personal empowerment which will lead to control of your thought pattern, thus a transformation of your mindset.
Aging does not have to be painful.
And feeling youthful surely does not have to be arduous neither expensive.
All it takes is a consistent and disciplined lifestyle of drinking water, physical exercise, jests, child-likeness and optimistic attitude.
Thus, if you take these simple steps, you can declare yourself FABULOUS!
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