- 1). Download the Empty Soul Gems modification from the TES Nexus site listed in the Resources section. Save the file to your desktop.
- 2). Copy the downloaded modification file titled "Empty_Soul_Gems-2529.esp" by right-clicking the file and selecting "Copy" from the right-click menu.
- 3). Open the Windows Explorer file browser from the "Computer" shortcut. Navigate to the following folder: C:\Program Files\\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data. From the top pull-down menu, select "Edit" > "Paste" to paste the downloaded modification file into the "Oblivion" directory.
- 4). Run "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" from the game launch shortcut. The main game menu should now appear. Click on the "Data Files" button to open a new dialog box titled "Oblivion: Data Files."
- 5). Check the box next to the filename "Empty_Soul_Gems-2529.esp (Player File)" to activate the game modification.
- 6). Start the game by pressing "Play" on the main game menu. The modification now has introduced a spell which allows the player to empty Soul Gems. Go to the Mystic Emporium to purchase the spell called "Empty Gem."
- 7). Activate the "Empty Gem" spell and select the Soul Gem you wish to empty from the list that appears.