You are always in the quandary, "Does my penis measure to the expectation of my partner?" Do women really care about the size? And if they do - what would matter more: length or girth? Before, you are crestfallen - you could hardly know the answers to the questions.
You are ashamed to ask your father, brother or friends.
You do not want to be a laughing stock! Thanks to the internet - you do not need to ask face to face.
With a single click, you find information about penis enlargement methods.
You found out that there are pills, patches and stretchers that can be purchased to enlarge your penis.
You can even go to penis surgery if you want your enlargement fast and without so much fuss.
But you are really the shy type so you would not want these.
By any chance this will give proof of what you are doing.
You want a very secret penis enlargement procedure.
And you found out that you can add length and girth to your sex organ by doing natural exercises.
These are done in the confines of your bedroom, without anybody noticing your penis exercises - not even your sex partner! Natural penis enlargement method, the free way, is pertinent to penis exercises.
Just like any part of the body that you strengthen, penis exercises need to be constant, repetitious and consistent daily routine.
Thus, it is a must that if you want to enlarge your penis and use the free natural enlargement method, you must possess persistence and dedication to the ritual.
Now you know the most important pre-requisite of this free method! The kinds of exercises that you discovered are: jelquing, ballooning, kegel and weight hanging.
You ditched the last type of exercise - the weight hanging.
Why? You fear someone might see it while you pee.
This is disgraceful on your part.
So - the remaining choices are just the three natural enlargement methods - free ways that need only responses from your muscles.
How do you do the exercises? Jelquing This is very basic.
All you need are your hands - both hands.
Do you know how the milking of a cow is done? It is similar to the jelquing so much so that this penis enlargement exercise is also called milking exercise.
You start with your right hand.
Using your forefinger and your thumb, have a moderate grip on the base of your penis.
Move your fingers upward from the base to the head thereby causing a stretch on your penis When your right fingers are almost at the shaft, have your left hand ready.
Do what was initially done by your right hand.
Then again, when the left fingers are near the head, have the right hand ready.
The process go on and on for a number of times.
Do this regularly and in about six months (so the successful ones say) you will add some length and girth to your sex organ.
You do this alone.
Ballooning You may need a sex mate in this free natural penis enlargement method.
This pertains to orgasm.
So - this is best done while having intercourse.
While having sex, you try to hold off from ejaculation.
The on-and-off orgasm helps blood to flow inside the penis.
The amount of blood going through speaks of the amount of tissues formed within.
The more tissues, the more mass and therefore the larger the penis becomes.
Kegel exercise Spot your PC muscle (known as pubococcygeus) first.
You can do this while urinating.
As you pee, hold the urine for some time then let go.
You will feel the stimulation and will identify the PC muscle.
This is the muscle you are to use for your free natural penis enlargement goal.
With the use of your PC muscle, do the ballooning exercise, that is, contain your orgasm.
After constant practice, you can anticipate a meatier penis.
Your partner would not even discover what you are doing!
You are ashamed to ask your father, brother or friends.
You do not want to be a laughing stock! Thanks to the internet - you do not need to ask face to face.
With a single click, you find information about penis enlargement methods.
You found out that there are pills, patches and stretchers that can be purchased to enlarge your penis.
You can even go to penis surgery if you want your enlargement fast and without so much fuss.
But you are really the shy type so you would not want these.
By any chance this will give proof of what you are doing.
You want a very secret penis enlargement procedure.
And you found out that you can add length and girth to your sex organ by doing natural exercises.
These are done in the confines of your bedroom, without anybody noticing your penis exercises - not even your sex partner! Natural penis enlargement method, the free way, is pertinent to penis exercises.
Just like any part of the body that you strengthen, penis exercises need to be constant, repetitious and consistent daily routine.
Thus, it is a must that if you want to enlarge your penis and use the free natural enlargement method, you must possess persistence and dedication to the ritual.
Now you know the most important pre-requisite of this free method! The kinds of exercises that you discovered are: jelquing, ballooning, kegel and weight hanging.
You ditched the last type of exercise - the weight hanging.
Why? You fear someone might see it while you pee.
This is disgraceful on your part.
So - the remaining choices are just the three natural enlargement methods - free ways that need only responses from your muscles.
How do you do the exercises? Jelquing This is very basic.
All you need are your hands - both hands.
Do you know how the milking of a cow is done? It is similar to the jelquing so much so that this penis enlargement exercise is also called milking exercise.
You start with your right hand.
Using your forefinger and your thumb, have a moderate grip on the base of your penis.
Move your fingers upward from the base to the head thereby causing a stretch on your penis When your right fingers are almost at the shaft, have your left hand ready.
Do what was initially done by your right hand.
Then again, when the left fingers are near the head, have the right hand ready.
The process go on and on for a number of times.
Do this regularly and in about six months (so the successful ones say) you will add some length and girth to your sex organ.
You do this alone.
Ballooning You may need a sex mate in this free natural penis enlargement method.
This pertains to orgasm.
So - this is best done while having intercourse.
While having sex, you try to hold off from ejaculation.
The on-and-off orgasm helps blood to flow inside the penis.
The amount of blood going through speaks of the amount of tissues formed within.
The more tissues, the more mass and therefore the larger the penis becomes.
Kegel exercise Spot your PC muscle (known as pubococcygeus) first.
You can do this while urinating.
As you pee, hold the urine for some time then let go.
You will feel the stimulation and will identify the PC muscle.
This is the muscle you are to use for your free natural penis enlargement goal.
With the use of your PC muscle, do the ballooning exercise, that is, contain your orgasm.
After constant practice, you can anticipate a meatier penis.
Your partner would not even discover what you are doing!