- 1). Launch the "Finder" and open the "Macintosh Hard Drive" directory. Select "Library," and then click "Fonts."
- 2). Browse through the "Fonts" folder until you find the fonts that are duplicates of one another, or simply duplicate italics. In some cases, fonts have both the same names and file information. In others, one font has the same name as another, but is an italic -- and therefore different -- version of it.
- 3). Drag a font file that is a duplicate of another, both in terms of file information and name, to the "Trash." Double-click the names of files that are italic versions of another font that has the same name and re-name them to remove ambiguity in the future. If you have two "Arial" files on your computer, for example, but one is only italic, re-name it "Arial Italic.ttf."